A Novel Approach to Neutrino-Hydrogen Measurements
September 24, 2018
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High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
High Energy Physics - Experiment
Nuclear Experiment
Nuclear Theory
Instrumentation and Detectors
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
High Energy Physics - Experiment
Nuclear Experiment
Nuclear Theory
Instrumentation and Detectors
The limited statistics of the available (anti)neutrino-hydrogen (H)
interactions has been a longstanding impediment for high-energy neutrino
physics. We discuss a practical way to achieve accurate (anti)neutrino-hydrogen
measurements, addre...
Toric degenerations of cluster varieties and cluster duality
September 21, 2018
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Algebraic Geometry
Rings and Algebras
Representation Theory
We introduce the notion of a Y-pattern with coefficients and its geometric
counterpart: a cluster X-variety with coefficients. We use these
constructions to build a flat degeneration of every skew-symmetrizable
specially compl...
The special Aronszajn tree property at ℵ2 and GCH
September 20, 2018
Starting from the existence of a weakly compact cardinal, we build a generic
extension of the universe in which GCH holds and all ℵ2-Aronszajn
trees are special and hence there are no ℵ2-Souslin trees. This result
answers ...
The distribution of Weierstrass points on a tropical curve
September 20, 2018
Metric Geometry
Algebraic Geometry
We show that on a metric graph of genus g, a divisor of degree n
generically has g(n−g+1) Weierstrass points. For a sequence of generic
divisors on a metric graph whose degrees grow to infinity, we show that the
associated Weierstrass...
Global residue formula for logarithmic indices of foliations
September 19, 2018
Algebraic Geometry
Complex Variables
Differential Geometry
Dynamical Systems
We prove a global residual formula in terms of logarithmic indices for
one-dimensional holomorphic foliations, with isolated singularities, and
logarithmic along normal crossing divisors. We also give a formula for the
total sum of the loga...
Boltzmann Diffusive Limit with Maxwell Boundary Condition
September 18, 2018
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Analysis of PDEs
Analysis of PDEs
Diffusive limit from the Boltzmann equation to the incompressible
Navier-Stokes-Fourier system was established for the celebrated Maxwell
boundary condition in the framework of renormalized solutions by
Saint-Raymond2009 and Jiang-Masmoudi2...
Moduli of Nodal Sextic Curves via Periods of K3 Surfaces
September 18, 2018
Algebraic Geometry
In this paper we study the moduli spaces of nodal sextic curves. We realize
each irreducible component of the GIT space of sextic curves with given number
of nodes as an open subspace of type IV arithmetic quotients. We then focus on
the co...
On the fundamental group schemes of certain quotient varieties
September 18, 2018
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Algebraic Geometry
In \cite{armstrong}, M. Armstrong proved a beautiful result describing
fundamental groups of quotient spaces. In this paper we prove an analogue of
Armstrong's theorem in the setting of F-divided \cite{dS07} and essentially
finite \cite{N...
Getting the tiger by the tail: Probing the turnaround radius of
structures with outer halo density profiles
September 17, 2018
Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics
In this paper we develop a new semianalytical approach to quantifying the
density profile of outer dark matter halos, motivated by the remarkable
universality those profiles, for a wide range of dynamical parameters of the
inner halos. We s...
Stochastic differential equations for infinite particle systems of jump
type with long range interactions
September 16, 2018
Infinite-dimensional stochastic differential equations (ISDEs) describing
systems with an infinite number of particles are considered. Each particle
undergoes a L\'evy process, and the interaction between particles is determined
by the long...