Pack and Detect: Fast Object Detection in Videos Using
Region-of-Interest Packing
September 5, 2018
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Computer Science
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Machine Learning
Object detection in videos is an important task in computer vision for
various applications such as object tracking, video summarization and video
search. Although great progress has been made in improving the accuracy of
object detection i...
Optimal Sparse Singular Value Decomposition for High-dimensional
High-order Data
September 5, 2018
Statistics Theory
Machine Learning
Statistics Theory
In this article, we consider the sparse tensor singular value decomposition,
which aims for dimension reduction on high-dimensional high-order data with
certain sparsity structure. A method named Sparse Tensor Alternating
Thresholding for S...
Generalized angle vectors, geometric lattices, and flag-angles
September 4, 2018
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Metric Geometry
Interior and exterior angle vectors of polytopes capture curvature
information at faces of all dimensions and can be seen as metric variants of
f-vectors. In this context, Gram's relation takes the place of the
Euler--Poincar\'e relation ...
Uniform boundedness on extremal subsets in Alexandrov spaces
September 3, 2018
Differential Geometry
Metric Geometry
In this paper, we study extremal subsets in Alexandrov spaces with dimension
n, curvature ≥κ, and diameter ≤D. We show that the following
three quantities are uniformly bounded above in terms of n, κ, and
D: (1) t...
Gauged Linear Sigma Model in Geometric Phases. I
September 2, 2018
Mathematical Physics
Algebraic Geometry
Mathematical Physics
Symplectic Geometry
We construct a cohomological field theory for a gauged linear sigma model
space in geometric phase, using the method of gauge theory and differential
geometry. The cohomological field theory is expected to match the Gromov-Witten
theory of ...
Families of twisted D-modules and arithmetic models of
Harish-Chandra modules
August 31, 2018
Representation Theory
Algebraic Geometry
We develop a theory of tdos and twisted D-modules over general
base schemes with a focus on functorial aspects. In particular, we introduce a
flat base change functor and establish its compatibility with globalization and
direct ...
A disproof of the Riemann hypothesis on zeros of ζ−function
August 30, 2018
General Mathematics
General Mathematics
Applying the known Nyman--Beurling criterion, it is disproved the Riemann
hypothesis on zeros of ζ−function....
Lyashko-Looijenga morphisms and primitive factorizations of the Coxeter
August 30, 2018
Algebraic Geometry
In a seminal work, Bessis gave a geometric interpretation of the noncrossing
lattice NC(W) associated to a well-generated complex reflection group W.
Chief component of this was the trivialization theorem, a fundamental
correspondence b...
An electrical engineering perspective on naturality in computational
August 30, 2018
Computer Science
Numerical Analysis
Numerical Analysis
Category Theory
Computational Physics
We look at computational physics from an electrical engineering perspective
and suggest that several concepts of mathematics, not so well-established in
computational physics literature, present themselves as opportunities in the
field. We ...
Optimal Instrument Selection using Bayesian Model Averaging for Model
Implied Instrumental Variable Two Stage Least Squares Estimators
August 30, 2018
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Model-Implied Instrumental Variable Two-Stage Least Squares (MIIV-2SLS) is a
limited information, equation-by-equation, non-iterative estimator for latent
variable models. Associated with this estimator are equation specific tests of
model ...