The gravitational field of an isolated, axisymmetric flat disk of spinning
dust is calculated approximately in the weak-field limit of quasi-metric
gravity. Boundary conditions single out the exponential disk as a "preferred"
physical surfa...
A numeral system for the middle-levels graphs
December 5, 2010
The middle-levels graph Mk (0<k∈Z) has a dihedral quotient
pseudograph Rk whose vertices are the k-edge ordered trees T, each T
encoded as a (2k+1)-string F(T) formed via →DFS by: {\bf(i)}
Heegaard Floer homology and integer surgeries on links
November 4, 2010
Geometric Topology
Let L be a link in an integral homology three-sphere. We give a description
of the Heegaard Floer homology of integral surgeries on L in terms of some data
associated to L, which we call a complete system of hyperboxes for L. Roughly,
a com...
Mathematical analysis without gaps
October 5, 2010
Classical Analysis and ODEs
This is a draft of my textbook on mathematical analysis and the areas of
mathematics on which it is based. The idea is to fill the gaps in the existing
textbooks. Any remarks from readers are welcome....
An inverse theorem for the Gowers U^{s+1}[N]-norm
September 21, 2010
| |
Dynamical Systems
We prove the inverse conjecture for the Gowers U^{s+1}[N]-norm for all s >=
3; this is new for s > 3, and the cases s<3 have also been previously
established. More precisely, we establish that if f : [N] -> [-1,1] is a
function with || f ||...
Exploring Mount Neverest
September 12, 2010
History and Overview
Optimization and Control
The problem `Exploring Mount Neverest' by Henry Ernest Dudeney is solved.
Dudeney formulated the problem in the beginning of the 20th century and gave a
non-optimal solution (without estimating the non-optimality)....
Quantum-classical phase transition with spontaneous superposition
breaking (basic characteristics)
July 15, 2010
Quantum Physics
In this work we consider basic characteristics of a quantum-classical
continuous phase transition with spontaneous (non-dynamical) unitary symmetry
(superposition) breaking (effective hiding). We clearly demonstrate that
collapse (transitio...
Single photon interference, photon-detector entanglement and collapse as
a quantum-classical phase transition
June 11, 2010
Quantum Physics
In this work we consider various experiments of single or two photon
interference at beam splitter with or without photon trajectories and
coordinates (selective) detection. Especially we consider quantum dynamical
interaction between photo...
Anti-de Sitter gauge theory for gravity
June 8, 2010
General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology
First a review is given of Riemann-Cartan space-time and Einstein-Cartan
gravity. This gives us the necessary tools to handle the SO(2,3) Yang-Mills
gauge theory for gravity. Field equations are obtained from a Yang-Mills gauge
field Lagran...
We construct multidimensional interpolating tensor product MRA's of the
function spaces C0(Rn,K), K=R or K=C,
consisting of real or complex valued functions on Rn vanishing at
infinity and ...