An Analytically Solvable Model of Firing Rate Heterogeneity in Balanced
State Networks
May 22, 2023
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Quantitative Biology
Neurons and Cognition
Neurons and Cognition
Distributions of neuronal activity within cortical circuits are often found
to display highly skewed shapes with many neurons emitting action potentials at
low or vanishing rates, while some are active at high rates. Theoretical
studies wer...
Conserved charge susceptibilities in the relativistic mean-field hadron
resonance gas model: constraints on hadronic repulsive interactions
May 22, 2023
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High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
Nuclear Theory
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
Nuclear Theory
We investigate the effect of repulsive interaction between hadrons on the
susceptibilities of conserved charges, namely baryon number (B), electric
charge (Q) and strangeness (S). We estimate second fourth and sixth-order
susceptibilities o...
Amenability for unitary groups of C*-algebras
May 22, 2023
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Operator Algebras
Group Theory
Operator Algebras
Group Theory
In this note we state a conjecture that characterizes unital C*-algebras for
which the unitary group is amenable as a topological group in the norm
topology. We prove the conjecture for simple, separable, stably finite, unital,
A matrix model of a non-Hermitian β-ensemble
May 22, 2023
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Mathematical Physics
Mathematical Physics
Mathematical Physics
Mathematical Physics
We introduce the first random matrix model of a complex β-ensemble. The
matrices are tridiagonal and can be thought of as the non-Hermitian analogue of
the Hermite β-ensembles discovered by Dumitriu and Edelman (J. Math.
Phys., ...
Unsupervised Visible-Infrared Person ReID by Collaborative Learning with
Neighbor-Guided Label Refinement
May 22, 2023
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Computer Science
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Artificial Intelligence
Unsupervised learning visible-infrared person re-identification (USL-VI-ReID)
aims at learning modality-invariant features from unlabeled cross-modality
dataset, which is crucial for practical applications in video surveillance
systems. The...
Interpretable Mesomorphic Networks for Tabular Data
May 22, 2023
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Computer Science
Machine Learning
Even though neural networks have been long deployed in applications involving
tabular data, still existing neural architectures are not explainable by
design. In this paper, we propose a new class of interpretable neural networks
for tabula...
Imprecise Label Learning: A Unified Framework for Learning with Various
Imprecise Label Configurations
May 22, 2023
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Computer Science
Machine Learning
Artificial Intelligence
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Learning with reduced labeling standards, such as noisy label, partial label,
and multiple label candidates, which we generically refer to as
\textit{imprecise} labels, is a commonplace challenge in machine learning
tasks. Previous methods ...
Entanglement Spectrum as a diagnostic of chirality of Topological Spin
Liquids: Analysis of an SU(3) PEPS
May 22, 2023
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Strongly Correlated Electrons
Statistical Mechanics
Quantum Physics
We address the key question of representation of chiral topological quantum
states in (2+1) dimensions (i.e., with non-zero chiral central charge) by
Projected Entangled Pair States (PEPS). A noted result (due to Wahl, Tu,
Schuch, and Cirac...
GPT-SW3: An Autoregressive Language Model for the Nordic Languages
May 22, 2023
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Computer Science
Computation and Language
Artificial Intelligence
This paper details the process of developing the first native large
generative language model for the Nordic languages, GPT-SW3. We cover all parts
of the development process, from data collection and processing, training
configuration and ...
A reduced-order model for segregated fluid-structure interaction solvers
based on an ALE approach
May 22, 2023
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Computer Science
Numerical Analysis
Numerical Analysis
This article presents a Galerkin projection model-order reduction approach
for segregated fluid-structure interaction in an Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian
(ALE) approach at low Reynolds number using the Finite Volume Method (FVM). The