Coherent cohomology of Shimura varieties and automorphic forms
October 29, 2018
Number Theory
Algebraic Geometry
We show that the cohomology of canonical extensions of automorphic vector
bundles over toroidal compactifications of Shimura varieties can be computed by
relative Lie algebra cohomology of automorphic forms. Our result is inspired by
and pa...
Tamely ramified geometric Langlands correspondence in positive
October 29, 2018
Algebraic Geometry
Representation Theory
We prove a version of the tamely ramified geometric Langlands correspondence
in positive characteristic for GLn(k). Let k be an algebraically closed
field of characteristic p>n. Let X be a smooth projective curve over k
with mar...
A set-theoretic analysis of the black hole entropy puzzle
October 29, 2018
General Physics
General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology
High Energy Physics - Theory
Motivated by the known mathematical and physical problems arising from the
current mathematical formalization of the physical spatio-temporal continuum,
as a substantial technical clarification of our earlier attempt, the aim in
this paper ...
A stacky approach to crystals
October 28, 2018
Algebraic Geometry
Number Theory
Algebraic Geometry
Number Theory
Inspired by a theorem of Bhatt-Morrow-Scholze, we develop a stacky approach
to crystals and isocrystals on "Frobenius-smooth" schemes over F_p . This class
of schemes goes back to Berthelot-Messing and contains all smooth schemes over
m-adic residue codes over Fq[v]/(vs−v) and their
application to quantum codes
October 28, 2018
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Computer Science
Information Theory
Information Theory
Due to their rich algebraic structure, cyclic codes have a great deal of
significance amongst linear codes. Duadic codes are the generalization of the
quadratic residue codes, a special case of cyclic codes. The m-adic residue
codes are t...
Uniqueness and regularity for the Navier-Stokes-Cahn-Hilliard system
October 26, 2018
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Analysis of PDEs
Analysis of PDEs
The motion of two contiguous incompressible and viscous fluids is described
within the diffuse interface theory by the so-called Model H. The system
consists of the Navier-Stokes equations, which are coupled with the
Cahn-Hilliard equation ...
Periodic paths on the pentagon, double pentagon and golden L
October 26, 2018
Dynamical Systems
We give a tree structure on the set of all periodic directions on the golden
L, which gives an associated tree structure on the set of periodic directions
for the pentagon billiard table and double pentagon surface. We use this to
give the ...
On the well-posedness of a class of McKean Feynman-Kac equations
October 24, 2018
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We analyze the well-posedness of a so called McKean Feynman-Kac Equation
(MFKE), which is a McKean type equation with a Feynman-Kac perturbation. We
provide in particular weak and strong existence conditions as well as pathwise
uniqueness c...
Stabilization distance bounds from link Floer homology
October 22, 2018
Geometric Topology
We consider the set of connected surfaces in the 4-ball with boundary a fixed
knot in the 3-sphere. We define the stabilization distance between two surfaces
as the minimal g such that we can get from one to the other using
A Model Theoretic Perspective on Matrix Rings
October 21, 2018
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Rings and Algebras
Rings and Algebras
In this paper natural necessary and sufficient conditions for quantifier
elimination of matrix rings Mn(K) in the language of rings expanded by two
unary functions, naming the trace and transposition, are identified. This is
used togethe...