Most comparisons of preferences are instances of single-crossing dominance.
We examine the lattice structure of single-crossing dominance, proving
characterisation, existence and uniqueness results for minimum upper bounds of
arbitrary sets...
A Sequential Homotopy Method for Mathematical Programming Problems
February 19, 2019
Computer Science
Optimization and Control
Numerical Analysis
Numerical Analysis
We propose a sequential homotopy method for the solution of mathematical
programming problems formulated in abstract Hilbert spaces under the Guignard
constraint qualification. The method is equivalent to performing projected
backward Euler...
Gravitation: from Newton to Einstein
February 19, 2019
General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology
Physics Education
This document gathers the notes of a 30-hour review course on gravitation,
which I delivered in January 2018 and January 2019 at the African Institute for
Mathematical Sciences of Cameroon (AIMS-Cameroon). Its main goal is to propose
a big ...
The solutions of the 3rd and 4th Clay Millennium problems
February 19, 2019
General Mathematics
In this treatise I present the solutions of the third Clay Millennium problem
in the computational complexity and the fourth Clay Millennium problem in
classical fluid dynamics....
On the consistency of supervised learning with missing values
February 19, 2019
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Computer Science
Statistics Theory
Statistics Theory
Machine Learning
Machine Learning
In many application settings, the data have missing entries which make
analysis challenging. An abundant literature addresses missing values in an
inferential framework: estimating parameters and their variance from incomplete
tables. Here,...
Contextual Encoder-Decoder Network for Visual Saliency Prediction
February 18, 2019
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Computer Science
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Predicting salient regions in natural images requires the detection of
objects that are present in a scene. To develop robust representations for this
challenging task, high-level visual features at multiple spatial scales must be
A Hamiltonian n∐BO(n)-action, stratified Morse theory
and the J-homomorphism
February 18, 2019
Symplectic Geometry
Algebraic Topology
K-Theory and Homology
We use sheaves of spectra to quantize a Hamiltonian n∐BO(n)-action on NlimT∗RN that naturally arises
from Bott periodicity. We employ the category of correspondences developed in
[GaRo] to give...
Equivariant Principal Bundles over the 2-Sphere
February 17, 2019
Geometric Topology
In this paper, we introduce the classification of equivariant principal
bundles over the 2-sphere. Isotropy representations provide tools for
understanding the classification of equivariant principal bundles. We consider
a Γ-equivari...
The First 50 Years of Software Reliability Engineering: A History of SRE
with First Person Accounts
February 16, 2019
Computer Science
Software Engineering
Software Engineering
Software Reliability has just passed the 50-year milestone as a technical
discipline along with Software Engineering. This paper traces the roots of
Software Reliability Engineering (SRE) from its pre-software history to the
beginnings of t...
CrossQ: Batch Normalization in Deep Reinforcement Learning for Greater
Sample Efficiency and Simplicity
February 14, 2019
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Computer Science
Machine Learning
Machine Learning
Sample efficiency is a crucial problem in deep reinforcement learning. Recent
algorithms, such as REDQ and DroQ, found a way to improve the sample efficiency
by increasing the update-to-data (UTD) ratio to 20 gradient update steps on the