An edge e of a graph G is called deletable for some orientation o if
the restriction of o to G−e is a strong orientation. Inspired by a problem
of Frank, in 2021 H\"orsch and Szigeti proposed a new parameter for
PULSE: Accelerating Distributed Pointer-Traversals on Disaggregated
Memory (Extended Version)
May 3, 2023
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Computer Science
Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing
Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing
Caches at CPU nodes in disaggregated memory architectures amortize the high
data access latency over the network. However, such caches are fundamentally
unable to improve performance for workloads requiring pointer traversals across
linked ...
Beyond case studies: Teaching data science critique and ethics through
sociotechnical surveillance studies
May 3, 2023
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Computer Science
Computers and Society
Computers and Society
Ethics have become an urgent concern for data science research, practice, and
instruction in the wake of growing critique of algorithms and systems showing
that they reinforce structural oppression. There has been increasing desire on
the p...
Spectral influence in networks: An application to Input-Output analysis
May 3, 2023
Computer Science
Social and Information Networks
Social and Information Networks
This paper introduces the concepts of spectral influence and spectral
cyclicality, both derived from the largest eigenvalue of a graph's adjacency
matrix. These two novel centrality measures capture both diffusion and
interdependence from a...
Lower bounds for the number of number fields with Galois group
May 3, 2023
Number Theory
Number Theory
Let ℓ≥5 be a prime number and Fℓ denote the finite
field with ℓ elements. We show that the number of Galois extensions of the
rationals with Galois group isomorphic to GL2(Fℓ) and absolute
Refined topological recursion revisited -- properties and conjectures
May 3, 2023
Mathematical Physics
High Energy Physics - Theory
Algebraic Geometry
Mathematical Physics
For any (possibly singular) hyperelliptic curve, we give the definition of a
hyperelliptic refined spectral curve and the hyperelliptic refined topological
recursion, generalising the formulation for a special class of genus-zero
curves by ...
An extension of Steinberg's Theorem to biquotient pairs of subgroups
May 3, 2023
K-Theory and Homology
Algebraic Topology
We study the derived tensor product of the representation rings of subgroups
of a given compact Lie group G. That is, given two such subgroups H_1 and H_2,
we study the tensor product of the associated representation rings R(H_1) and
INDCOR White Paper 2: Interactive Narrative Design for Representing
May 3, 2023
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Computer Science
Human-Computer Interaction
This white paper was written by the members of the Work Group focusing on
design practices of the COST Action 18230 - Interactive Narrative Design for
Complexity Representation (INDCOR, WG1). It presents an overview of Interactive
Digital N...
Kinetic-to-magnetic frustration crossover and linear confinement in the
doped triangular t−J model
May 3, 2023
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Strongly Correlated Electrons
Quantum Gases
Microscopically understanding competing orders in strongly correlated systems
is a key challenge in modern quantum many-body physics. For example, the study
of magnetic polarons and their relation to pairing in the Fermi-Hubbard model
in di...
The Fr\"ohlich-Morchio-Strocchi mechanism: A underestimated legacy
May 3, 2023
High Energy Physics - Theory
General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology
High Energy Physics - Lattice
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
History and Philosophy of Physics
There is an odd tension in electroweak physics. Perturbation theory is
extremely successful. At the same time, fundamental field theory gives manifold
reasons why this should not be the case. This tension is resolved by the