The Feature Selection Library (FSLib) signifies a notable progression in
machine learning and data mining for MATLAB users, emphasizing the critical
role of Feature Selection (FS) in enhancing model efficiency and effectiveness
by pinpointi...
Dual Cheeger Constants, Signless 1-Laplacians and Maxcut
July 2, 2016
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Spectral Theory
Optimization and Control
Spectral Theory
Optimization and Control
The first nontrivial lower bound of the worst-case approximation ratio for
the maxcut problem was achieved via the dual Cheeger problem, whose optimal
value is referred to the dual Cheeger constant h+, and later improved
through its modi...
Polyhedral Horofunction Compactification as a Polyhedral Ball
July 2, 2016
Geometric Topology
Metric Geometry
In this paper we answer positively a question raised by Kapovich and Leeb in
a paper titled "Finsler bordifications of symmetric and certain locally
symmetric spaces". Specifically, we show that for a finite-dimensional vector
space with a ...
Frequentist properties of Bayesian inequality tests
July 1, 2016
Statistics Theory
Statistics Theory
Bayesian and frequentist criteria fundamentally differ, but often posterior
and sampling distributions agree asymptotically (e.g., Gaussian with same
covariance). For the corresponding single-draw experiment, we characterize the
Book crossing numbers of the complete graph and small local convex
crossing numbers
July 1, 2016
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A k-page book drawing of a graph G is a drawing of G on k
halfplanes with common boundary l, a line, where the vertices are on l
and the edges cannot cross l. The k-page book crossing number of the
graph $ G ...
The rotating normal form of braids is regular
June 29, 2016
Computer Science
Group Theory
Computation and Language
Formal Languages and Automata Theory
Defined on Birman-Ko-Lee monoids, the rotating normal form has strong
connections with the Dehornoy's braid ordering. It can be seen as a process for
selecting between all the representative words of a Birman-Ko-Lee braid a
particular one, ...
Cayley Automatic Groups and Numerical Characteristics of Turing
June 27, 2016
Computer Science
Group Theory
Formal Languages and Automata Theory
This paper is devoted to the problem of finding characterizations for Cayley
automatic groups. The concept of Cayley automatic groups was recently
introduced by Kharlampovich, Khoussainov and Miasnikov. We address this problem
by introducin...
Timed Multiset Rewriting and the Verification of Time-Sensitive
Distributed Systems
June 25, 2016
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Computer Science
Logic in Computer Science
Time-Sensitive Distributed Systems (TSDS), such as applications using
autonomous drones, achieve goals under possible environment interference (\eg,
winds). Moreover, goals are often specified using explicit time constraints
which must be s...
Remnants of black holes from rainbow gravity in terms of a new VSL
June 20, 2016
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General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology
General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology
The gravity's rainbow function is derived in terms of a new varying speed of
light (VSL) theory that varying velocity of light in the rainbow gravity
becomes smaller when the energy of photons increases. In light of the new
theory we calcul...
Almost uniform convergence in noncommutative Dunford-Schwartz ergodic
June 14, 2016
Functional Analysis
Functional Analysis
This article gives an affirmative solution to the problem whether the ergodic
Ces\'aro averages generated by a positive Dunford-Schwartz operator in a
noncommutative space Lp(M,τ), 1≤p<∞, converge almost
uniformly ...