Riemann-Hilbert-Birkhoff inverse problem for semisimple flat
F-manifolds, and convergence of oriented associativity potentials
May 13, 2021
Algebraic Geometry
Mathematical Physics
Differential Geometry
Mathematical Physics
In this paper, we address the problem of classification of quasi-homogeneous
formal power series providing solutions of the oriented associativity
equations. Such a classification is performed by introducing a system of
monodromy local modu...
Long-Range Ising Models: Contours, Phase Transitions and Decaying Fields
May 13, 2021
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Mathematical Physics
Statistical Mechanics
Mathematical Physics
Inspired by Fr\"{o}hlich-Spencer and subsequent authors who introduced the
notion of contour for long-range systems, we provide a definition of contour
and a direct proof for the phase transition for ferromagnetic long-range Ising
models on...
Some asymptotic profiles for the viscous Moore-Gibson-Thompson equation
in the Lq framework
May 13, 2021
Analysis of PDEs
This manuscript studies some qualitative properties of solutions to the
Cauchy problem for the viscous Moore-Gibson-Thompson (MGT) equation. For one
thing, by applying the WKB analysis and diagonalization procedure, we derive
some Lp−Lq...
Modern incarnations of the Aristotelian concepts of Continuum and Topos
May 12, 2021
History and Overview
Category Theory
The aim of this paper is i) to argue for the feasibility and fruitfulness of
a balance between the phenomenological method seeking intuitive evidence and
the axiomatic-deductive method and ii) that there should be a mutual
understanding bet...
The generalized strong subadditivity of the von Neumann entropy for
bosonic quantum systems
May 12, 2021
Quantum Physics
Mathematical Physics
Functional Analysis
Mathematical Physics
We prove a generalization of the strong subadditivity of the von Neumann
entropy for bosonic quantum Gaussian systems. Such generalization determines
the minimum values of linear combinations of the entropies of subsystems
associated to arb...
Kernel Thinning
May 12, 2021
Computer Science
Machine Learning
Machine Learning
Statistics Theory
Statistics Theory
We introduce kernel thinning, a new procedure for compressing a distribution
P more effectively than i.i.d. sampling or standard thinning. Given
a suitable reproducing kernel k⋆ and O(n2) time, kernel
Maxwell Demon and Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Steering
May 12, 2021
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Quantum Physics
The study of Maxwell demon and quantum entanglement is important because of
its foundational significance in physics and its potential applications in
quantum information. Previous research on the Maxwell demon has primarily
focused on ther...
Acting upon Imagination: when to trust imagined trajectories in model
based reinforcement learning
May 12, 2021
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Computer Science
Artificial Intelligence
Machine Learning
Model-based reinforcement learning (MBRL) aims to learn model(s) of the
environment dynamics that can predict the outcome of its actions. Forward
application of the model yields so called imagined trajectories (sequences of
action, predicte...
Type-Based Termination for Futures
May 12, 2021
Computer Science
Programming Languages
Logic in Computer Science
In sequential functional languages, sized types enable termination checking
of programs with complex patterns of recursion in the presence of mixed
inductive-coinductive types. In this paper, we adapt sized types and their
metatheory to the...
Multilevel Monte Carlo simulation for VIX options in the rough Bergomi
May 11, 2021
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Quantitative Finance
Computational Finance
Pricing of Securities
Computational Finance
Pricing of Securities
We consider the pricing of VIX options in the rough Bergomi model. In this
setting, the VIX random variable is defined by the one-dimensional integral of
the exponential of a Gaussian process with correlated increments, hence
approximate sa...