Horizontal Δ-semimartingales on orthonormal frame bundles
May 11, 2021
Differential Geometry
In this article, we deal with stochastic horizontal lifts and
anti-developments of semimartingales with jumps on complete and connected
Riemannian manifolds without any assumption for their curvatures. We prove two
one-to-one correspondence...
Identity Concealment Games: How I Learned to Stop Revealing and Love the
May 11, 2021
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Computer Science
Optimization and Control
Multiagent Systems
Computer Science and Game Theory
In an adversarial environment, a hostile player performing a task may behave
like a non-hostile one in order not to reveal its identity to an opponent. To
model such a scenario, we define identity concealment games: zero-sum
stochastic reac...
An automatic system to detect equivalence between iterative algorithms
May 10, 2021
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Optimization and Control
Optimization and Control
When are two algorithms the same? How can we be sure a recently proposed
algorithm is novel, and not a minor twist on an existing method? In this paper,
we present a framework for reasoning about equivalence between a broad class of
Identifying the Quantum Properties of Hadronic Resonances using Machine
May 10, 2021
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High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
High Energy Physics - Experiment
With the great promise of deep learning, discoveries of new particles at the
Large Hadron Collider (LHC) may be imminent. Following the discovery of a new
Beyond the Standard model particle in an all-hadronic channel, deep learning
can also...
Particle Reacceleration by Turbulence and Radio Constraints on
Multi-Messenger High-Energy Emission from the Coma Cluster
May 10, 2021
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High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena
Galaxy clusters are considered to be gigantic reservoirs of cosmic rays
(CRs). Some of the clusters are found with extended radio emission, which
provides evidence for the existence of magnetic fields and CR electrons in the
intra-cluster m...
2-Modular Matrices
May 10, 2021
A rank-r integer matrix A is Δ-modular if the determinant of each
r×r submatrix has absolute value at most Δ. The class of
1-modular, or unimodular, matrices is of fundamental significance in both
integer progra...
Joule-Thomson expansion for quantum corrected AdS-Reissner-Nordstrom
black holes in Kiselev spacetime
May 10, 2021
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General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology
High Energy Physics - Theory
In this work we study the inversion temperature associated with the
Joule-Thomson expansion from the thermodynamics of AdS-Reissner-N\"ordstrom
black holes. We include quantum corrections in a cosmological fluid that can
describe phantom da...
Learning Weakly Convex Sets in Metric Spaces
May 10, 2021
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Computer Science
Machine Learning
Artificial Intelligence
Machine Learning
One of the central problems studied in the theory of machine learning is the
question of whether, for a given class of hypotheses, it is possible to
efficiently find a {consistent} hypothesis, i.e., which has zero training
error. While prob...
Deep Reinforcement Learning-based Methods for Resource Scheduling in
Cloud Computing: A Review and Future Directions
May 9, 2021
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Computer Science
Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing
As the quantity and complexity of information processed by software systems
increase, large-scale software systems have an increasing requirement for
high-performance distributed computing systems. With the acceleration of the
Internet in W...
DiagSet: a dataset for prostate cancer histopathological image
May 9, 2021
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Electrical Engineering and Systems Science
Computer Science
Image and Video Processing
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Machine Learning
Cancer diseases constitute one of the most significant societal challenges.
In this paper, we introduce a novel histopathological dataset for prostate
cancer detection. The proposed dataset, consisting of over 2.6 million tissue
patches ext...