Streaming approximation resistance of every ordering CSP
May 4, 2021
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Computer Science
Data Structures and Algorithms
Computational Complexity
An ordering constraint satisfaction problem (OCSP) is defined by a family
F of predicates mapping permutations on {1,…,k} to
{0,1}. An instance of Max-OCSP(F) on n variables consists of
a list of const...
Two-Stage Facility Location Games with Strategic Clients and Facilities
May 4, 2021
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Computer Science
Computer Science and Game Theory
Artificial Intelligence
We consider non-cooperative facility location games where both facilities and
clients act strategically and heavily influence each other. This contrasts
established game-theoretic facility location models with non-strategic clients
that sim...
The geometry of high-dimensional phase diagrams: I. Generalized Gibbs
Phase Rule
May 4, 2021
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Mathematical Physics
Materials Science
Mathematical Physics
Significance Statement
Phase diagrams are essential tools of the materials scientist, showing which
phases are at equilibrium under a set of applied thermodynamic conditions.
Essentially all phase diagrams today are two dimensional, typic...
Equilibrium strategies in time-inconsistent stochastic control problems
with constraints: necessary conditions
May 4, 2021
Optimization and Control
This paper is concerned with a time-inconsistent recursive stochastic control
problems where the forward state process is constrained through an additional
recursive utility system. By adapting the Ekeland variational principle,
necessary c...
A Constant-factor Approximation for Weighted Bond Cover
May 3, 2021
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Computer Science
Data Structures and Algorithms
Data Structures and Algorithms
The Weighted F-Vertex Deletion for a class F of graphs
asks, weighted graph G, for a minimum weight vertex set S such that
G−S∈F. The case when F is minor-closed and excludes some
graph as a mino...
Identification and Estimation of Average Causal Effects in Fixed Effects
Logit Models
May 3, 2021
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This paper studies identification and estimation of average causal effects,
such as average marginal or treatment effects, in fixed effects logit models
with short panels. Relating the identified set of these effects to an extremal
moment p...
Traces for factorization homology in dimension 1
May 3, 2021
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Algebraic Topology
Category Theory
K-Theory and Homology
Quantum Algebra
Algebraic Topology
Category Theory
K-Theory and Homology
Quantum Algebra
We construct a circle-invariant trace from the factorization homology of the
circle {\sf trace} \colon \int^\alpha_{{\mathbb S}^1} \\underline{\sf End}(V)
\longrightarrow \uno associated to a dualizable object $V\in
Poisson-Boltzmann formulary: Third edition
May 3, 2021
Soft Condensed Matter
The Poisson-Boltzmann (PB) equation provides a mean-field theory of
electrolyte solutions at interfaces and in confinement, describing how ions
reorganize close to charged surfaces to form the so-called electrical double
layer (EDL), with n...
Selberg's Central Limit Theorem for Dirichlet L-functions of
May 3, 2021
Number Theory
We give a simple proof of Selberg's central limit theorem for Dirichlet
L-functions for q-aspect by following the method established by
Radiwi\l\l\space and Soundararajan....
The Doge of Wall Street: Analysis and Detection of Pump and Dump
Cryptocurrency Manipulations
May 3, 2021
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Computer Science
Computers and Society
Cryptocurrencies are increasingly popular. Even people who are not experts
have started to invest in these assets, and nowadays, cryptocurrency exchanges
process transactions for over 100 billion US dollars per month. Despite this,
many cry...