Playing Stochastically in Weighted Timed Games to Emulate Memory
May 3, 2021
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Computer Science
Computer Science and Game Theory
Weighted timed games are two-player zero-sum games played in a timed
automaton equipped with integer weights. We consider optimal reachability
objectives, in which one of the players, that we call Min, wants to reach a
target location while...
Channel linear Weingarten surfaces in space forms
May 3, 2021
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Differential Geometry
Channel linear Weingarten surfaces in space forms are investigated in a Lie
sphere geometric setting, which allows for a uniform treatment of different
ambient geometries. We show that any channel linear Weingarten surface in a
space form i...
Makespan Trade-offs for Visiting Triangle Edges
May 3, 2021
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Computer Science
Discrete Mathematics
We study a primitive vehicle routing-type problem in which a fleet of nunit
speed robots start from a point within a non-obtuse triangle Δ, where n∈{1,2,3}. The goal is to design robots' trajectories so as to visit all
Highly correlated two-dimensional electron fluid in best-quality GaAs
quantum wells
May 3, 2021
Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics
Statistical Mechanics
Strongly Correlated Electrons
Magnetotransport phenomena in high-quality quantum wells often shed a light
on the nature of microscopic states of two-dimensional electrons in these
systems. In particular, the independence of photoresistance on the polarization
helicity o...
Data vs. Physics: The Apparent Pareto Front of Physics-Informed Neural
May 3, 2021
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Computer Science
Machine Learning
Physics-informed neural networks (PINNs) have emerged as a promising deep
learning method, capable of solving forward and inverse problems governed by
differential equations. Despite their recent advance, it is widely acknowledged
that PINN...
Sur le th\'eor\`eme de Brauer-Siegel g\'en\'eralis\'e
May 3, 2021
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Number Theory
We extend the Brauer-Siegel theorem to new families of number fields, both in
the classical setting of asymptotically bad families and in the more general
framework due to Tsfasman and Vl\u{a}du\c{t} of asymptotically exact families.
We int...
On 13-Crossing-Critical Graphs with Arbitrarily Large Degrees
May 3, 2021
A recent result of Bokal et al. [Combinatorica, 2022] proved that the exact
minimum value of c such that c-crossing-critical graphs do not have bounded
maximum degree is c=13. The key to that result is an inductive construction of
a family ...
Transformations in quantum networks via local operations assisted by
finitely many rounds of classical communication
May 3, 2021
Quantum Physics
Recent advances have led towards first prototypes of quantum networks in
which entanglement is distributed by sources producing bipartite entangled
states. This raises the question of which states can be generated in quantum
networks based ...
Enhanced and unenhanced dampings of Kolmogorov flow
May 3, 2021
Analysis of PDEs
In the present study, Kolmogorov flow represents the stationary sinusoidal
solution (siny,0) to a two-dimensional spatially periodic Navier-Stokes
system, driven by an external force. This system admits the additional
non-stationary sol...
Cost vector analysis & multi-path entanglement routing in quantum
May 2, 2021
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Quantum Physics
Quantum Physics
We present a static framework for analysing quantum routing protocols that we
call the \textit{cost-vector formalism}. Here, quantum networks are recast as
multi-graphs where edges represent two-qubit entanglement resources that