Semi-supervised learning for generalizable intracranial hemorrhage
detection and segmentation
May 2, 2021
Electrical Engineering and Systems Science
Computer Science
Image and Video Processing
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Machine Learning
Purpose: To develop and evaluate a semi-supervised learning model for
intracranial hemorrhage detection and segmentation on an out-of-distribution
head CT evaluation set.
Materials and Methods: This retrospective study used semi-supervise...
870 Micron Dust Continuum of the Youngest Protostars in Ophiuchus
May 2, 2021
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Solar and Stellar Astrophysics
Astrophysics of Galaxies
We present a 0.15′′ resolution (21 au) ALMA 870 μm
continuum survey of 25 pointings containing 31 young stellar objects in the
Ophiuchus molecular clouds. Using the dust continuum as a proxy for dust mass
and circumstella...
Formalizing Stack Safety as a Security Property
May 2, 2021
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Computer Science
Programming Languages
Cryptography and Security
The term stack safety is used to describe a variety of compiler, run-time,
and hardware mechanisms for protecting stack memory. Unlike "the heap," the
ISA-level stack does not correspond to a single high-level language concept:
different co...
Local Average and Marginal Treatment Effects with a Misclassified
May 1, 2021
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This paper studies identification of the local average and marginal treatment
effects (LATE and MTE) with a misclassified binary treatment variable. We
derive bounds on the (generalized) LATE and exploit its relationship with the
MTE to fur...
Unified Convergence Analysis for Adaptive Optimization with Moving
Average Estimator
April 30, 2021
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Computer Science
Optimization and Control
Machine Learning
Although adaptive optimization algorithms have been successful in many
applications, there are still some mysteries in terms of convergence analysis
that have not been unraveled. This paper provides a novel non-convex analysis
of adaptive o...
Triangle Centrality
April 30, 2021
Computer Science
Data Structures and Algorithms
Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing
Social and Information Networks
Triangle centrality is introduced for finding important vertices in a graph
based on the concentration of triangles surrounding each vertex. It has the
distinct feature of allowing a vertex to be central if it is in many triangles
or none a...
Tracking and managing deemed abilities
April 30, 2021
Computer Science
Multiagent Systems
Information about the powers and abilities of acting entities is used to
coordinate their actions in societies, either physical or digital. Yet, the
commonsensical meaning of an acting entity being deemed able to do something is
still missi...
Intermediate dimensions of infinitely generated attractors
April 30, 2021
Dynamical Systems
Classical Analysis and ODEs
Metric Geometry
We study the dimension theory of limit sets of iterated function systems
consisting of a countably infinite number of contractions. Our primary focus is
on the intermediate dimensions: a family of dimensions depending on a parameter
Uniform in time weak propagation of chaos on the torus
April 30, 2021
Analysis of PDEs
We address the long time behaviour of weakly interacting diffusive particle
systems on the d-dimensional torus. Our main result is to show that, under
certain regularity conditions, the weak error between the empirical
distribution of the p...
Automorphism and outer automorphism groups of Right-angled Artin groups
are not relatively hyperbolic
April 30, 2021
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Group Theory
Geometric Topology
We show that the automorphism groups of right-angled Artin groups whose
defining graphs have at least 3 vertices are not relatively hyperbolic. We then
show that the outer automorphism groups are not relatively hyperbolic, if they
are not v...