We consider a novel stochastic multi-armed bandit setting, where playing an
arm makes it unavailable for a fixed number of time slots thereafter. This
models situations where reusing an arm too often is undesirable (e.g. making
the same pro...
Stringy K\"ahler moduli, mutation and monodromy
July 25, 2019
Algebraic Geometry
High Energy Physics - Theory
This paper gives the first description of derived monodromy on the stringy
K\"ahler moduli space (SKMS) for a general irreducible flopping curve C in a
3-fold X with mild singularities. We do this by constructing two new infinite
helices: t...
Rigid analytic reconstruction of Hyodo--Kato theory
July 25, 2019
Number Theory
We give a new and very intuitive construction of Hyodo--Kato cohomology and
the Hyodo--Kato map, based on logarithmic rigid cohomology. We show that it is
independent of the choice of a uniformiser and study its dependence on the
choice of ...
Ribbonness of a stable-ribbon surface-link, II. General case
July 23, 2019
Geometric Topology
It is shown that any handle-irreducible summand of every stable-ribbon
surface-link is a unique ribbon surface-link up to equivalences. This is a
generalization of a previously observed result for a stably trivial
surface-link. Two applicat...
Inductive dimensions of coarse proximity spaces
July 23, 2019
General Topology
In this paper, we generalize Dranishnikov's asymptotic inductive dimension to
the setting of coarse proximity spaces. We show that in this more general
context, the asymptotic inductive dimension of a coarse proximity space is
bigger or equ...
Lensing convergence and anisotropic dark energy in galaxy redshift
July 23, 2019
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Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics
Analyses of upcoming galaxy surveys will require careful modelling of
relevant observables such as the power spectrum of galaxy counts in harmonic
space Cℓ(z,z′). We investigate the impact of disregarding relevant
relativistic effects...
The method of Enestr\"om and Phragm\'en for parliamentary elections by
means of approval voting
July 23, 2019
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Theoretical Economics
We study a method for proportional representation that was proposed at the
turn from the nineteenth to the twentieth century by Gustav Enestr\"om and
Edvard Phragm\'en. Like Phragm\'en's better-known iterative minimax method, it
is assumed ...
Collisional Cooling of Ultracold Molecules
July 22, 2019
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Quantum Gases
Atomic Physics
Chemical Physics
Since the original work on Bose-Einstein condensation, quantum degenerate
gases of atoms have allowed the quantum emulation of important systems from
condensed matter and nuclear physics, as well as the study of novel many-body
states with ...
Intermediate statistics: addressing the thermoelectric properties of
July 21, 2019
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Statistical Mechanics
High Energy Physics - Theory
We study the thermodynamics of a crystalline solid by applying intermediate
statistics obtained by deforming known solid state models using the mathematics
of q-analogs. We apply the resulting q-deformation to both the Einstein and
Discrete orthogonality relations for multi-indexed Laguerre and Jacobi
July 21, 2019
Classical Analysis and ODEs
Mathematical Physics
Mathematical Physics
Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems
Quantum Physics
The discrete orthogonality relations hold for all the orthogonal polynomials
obeying three term recurrence relations. We show that they also hold for
multi-indexed Laguerre and Jacobi polynomials, which are new orthogonal
polynomials obtain...