Determination of lattice functions and 2nd-order transfer matrix for
High Power Cyclotron
July 3, 2018
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Accelerator Physics
Accelerator Physics
This paper describes the development of beam dynamic simulation code for
cyclotron. Starting from a description of beam dynamics in the cyclotron,
lattice functions were determined and the solutions for the 2nd-order nonlinear
Hamiltonian w...
7x±1: Close Relative of Collatz Problem
July 2, 2018
Number Theory
We show an iterated function of which iterates oscillate wildly and grow at a
dizzying pace. We conjecture that the orbit of arbitrary positive integer
always returns to 1, as in the case of Collatz function. The conjecture is
supported by ...
On non-elliptic symplectic manifolds
July 1, 2018
Symplectic Geometry
Differential Geometry
Let M be a closed symplectic manifold of dimension 2n with
non-ellipticity. We can define an almost K\"ahler structure on M by using the
given symplectic form. Hence, we have a \G=\pi_1(M)-invariant almost K\"ahler
structure on the ...
Conformal blocks for Galois covers of algebraic curves
June 29, 2018
Group Theory
Mathematical Physics
Algebraic Geometry
Mathematical Physics
Representation Theory
We study the spaces of twisted conformal blocks attached to a Γ-curve
Σ with marked Γ-orbits and an action of Γ on a simple Lie
algebra g, where Γ is a finite group. We prove that if
Γ ...
Exploring Architectures for CNN-Based Word Spotting
June 28, 2018
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Computer Science
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
The goal in word spotting is to retrieve parts of document images which are
relevant with respect to a certain user-defined query. The recent past has seen
attribute-based Convolutional Neural Networks take over this field of research.
As i...
An Unsupervised Learning Classifier with Competitive Error Performance
June 25, 2018
Computer Science
Machine Learning
Machine Learning
An unsupervised learning classification model is described. It achieves
classification error probability competitive with that of popular supervised
learning classifiers such as SVM or kNN. The model is based on the incremental
execution of...
Candidate Phases for SU(2) Adjoint QCD4 with Two Flavors from
N=2 Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Theory
June 25, 2018
High Energy Physics - Theory
Strongly Correlated Electrons
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
We study four-dimensional adjoint QCD with gauge group SU(2) and two Weyl
fermion flavors, which has an SU(2)R chiral symmetry. The infrared behavior
of this theory is not firmly established. We explore candidate infrared phases
by embed...
Approximating the shortest path problem with scenarios
June 23, 2018
Computer Science
Data Structures and Algorithms
This paper discusses the shortest path problem in a general directed graph
with n nodes and K cost scenarios (objectives). In order to choose a
solution, the min-max criterion is applied. The min-max version of the problem
is hard to ap...
In-medium loop corrections and longitudinally polarized gauge bosons in
high-energy showers
June 22, 2018
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
Nuclear Theory
The splitting processes of bremsstrahlung and pair production in a medium are
coherent over large distances in the very high energy limit, which leads to a
suppression known as the Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal (LPM) effect. We continue
study o...
Acyclicity in finite groups and groupoids
June 22, 2018
Computer Science
Group Theory
Discrete Mathematics
We expound a concise construction of finite groups and groupoids whose Cayley
graphs satisfy graded acyclicity requirements. Our acyclicity criteria concern
cyclic patterns formed by coset-like configurations w.r.t. subsets of the