One--Dimensional Primordial Gravitational Waves In Quadratic Gravity
February 16, 2020
General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology
To study of Primordial Gravitational Waves, one dimensional toy model in pure
Quadratic gravity is considered. Solutions to the primordial perturbations
include simple incoming and outcoming waves. Interestingly, the perturbations
with scal...
Some new Liouville-type results for fully nonlinear PDEs on the
Heisenberg group
February 15, 2020
Analysis of PDEs
Analysis of PDEs
We prove new (sharp) Liouville-type properties via degenerate Hadamard
three-sphere theorems for fully nonlinear equations structured over Heisenberg
vector fields. As model examples, we cover the case of Pucci's extremal
operators perturbe...
Probing nuclear effects with neutrino-induced charged-current neutral
pion production
February 13, 2020
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High Energy Physics - Experiment
We study neutrino-induced charged-current (CC) π0 production on carbon
nuclei using events with fully imaged final-state proton-π0 systems. Novel
use of final-state correlations based on transverse kinematic imbalance enable
the f...
Session: End-To-End Encrypted Conversations With Minimal Metadata
February 11, 2020
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Computer Science
Cryptography and Security
Session is an open-source, public-key-based secure messaging application
which uses a set of decentralised storage servers and an onion routing protocol
to send end-to-end encrypted messages with minimal exposure of user metadata.
It does t...
On additive bases in infinite abelian semigroups
February 10, 2020
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Group Theory
Number Theory
Group Theory
Number Theory
Building on previous work by Lambert, Plagne and the third author, we study
various aspects of the behavior of additive bases in infinite abelian groups
and semigroups. We show that, for every infinite abelian group T, the number
of essen...
Entanglement as a resource for naturalness
February 10, 2020
General Physics
A novel approach to understanding the hierarchy problem is presented making
use of topological aspects of the renormalisation group and the ER-EPR
interpretation of entanglement. A common discussion of the renormalisation
group, the black h...
Stochastic maximum principle for problems with delay with general
dependence on the past
February 10, 2020
We prove a stochastic maximum principle for a control problem where the state
equation is delayed both in the state and in the control, and also the final
cost functional may depend on the past trajectories. The adjoint equations turn
out t...
Fisher-information-based estimation of optomechanical coupling strengths
February 8, 2020
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Quantum Physics
The formalism of quantum estimation theory, focusing on the quantum and
classical Fisher information, is applied to the estimation of the coupling
strength in an optomechanical system. In order to estimate the optomechanical
coupling, we ha...
Asymptotically Optimal Competitive Ratio for Online Allocation of
Reusable Resources
February 6, 2020
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Computer Science
Data Structures and Algorithms
We consider the problem of online allocation (matching, budgeted allocations,
and assortments) of reusable resources where an adversarial sequence of
resource requests is revealed over time and any allocated resource is
used/rented for a st...
An extension of Calder\'on transfer principle to weighted spaces with
some applications
February 6, 2020
Classical Analysis and ODEs
The power of Calder\'on transfer principle is well known when proving strong
type and weak type inequalities for certain type of operators in ergodic
theory. In this article we show that Calder\'on's argument can be extended to
have a trans...