Gerstenhaber brackets on Hochschild cohomology of general twisted tensor
September 4, 2019
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Rings and Algebras
Representation Theory
We present techniques for computing Gerstenhaber brackets on Hochschild
cohomology of general twisted tensor product algebras. These techniques involve
twisted tensor product resolutions and are based on recent results on
Gerstenhaber brack...
Scoring Strategic Agents
September 4, 2019
Theoretical Economics
I introduce a model of predictive scoring. A receiver wants to predict a
sender's quality. An intermediary observes multiple features of the sender and
aggregates them into a score. Based on the score, the receiver makes a
decision. The sen...
The convex dimension of hypergraphs and the hypersimplicial Van
Kampen-Flores Theorem
September 3, 2019
Computer Science
Discrete Mathematics
The convex dimension of a k-uniform hypergraph is the smallest dimension
d for which there is an injective mapping of its vertices into Rd
such that the set of k-barycenters of all hyperedges is in convex position.
We comp...
On the cells and associated varieties of highest weight Harish-Chandra
September 2, 2019
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Representation Theory
Let G be a Hermitian type Lie group with complexified Lie algebra
g and maximal compact subgroup K. We use L(λ) to denote
a highest weight Harish-Chandra G-module with infinitesimal character
λ. Let w be...
DECO: Liberating Web Data Using Decentralized Oracles for TLS
September 2, 2019
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Computer Science
Cryptography and Security
Thanks to the widespread deployment of TLS, users can access private data
over channels with end-to-end confidentiality and integrity. What they cannot
do, however, is prove to third parties the {\em provenance} of such data, i.e.,
that it ...
Multiplicative arithmetic functions and the generalized Ewens measure
September 2, 2019
Number Theory
Random integers, sampled uniformly from [1,x], share similarities with
random permutations, sampled uniformly from Sn. These similarities include
the Erd\H{o}s--Kac theorem on the distribution of the number of prime factors
of a random...
The Lubin-Tate Theory of Configuration Spaces: I
August 29, 2019
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Algebraic Topology
Geometric Topology
We construct a spectral sequence converging to the Morava E-theory of
unordered configuration spaces and identify its E2-page as the homology of a
Chevalley-Eilenberg-like complex for Hecke Lie algebras. Based on this, we
compute the $...
Eliminating Left Recursion without the Epsilon
August 28, 2019
Computer Science
Data Structures and Algorithms
The standard algorithm to eliminate indirect left recursion takes a
preventative approach, rewriting a grammar's rules so that indirect left
recursion is no longer possible, rather than eliminating it only as and when it
occurs. This approa...
Phase transitions and composite order in U(1)N lattice
London models
August 28, 2019
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Strongly Correlated Electrons
The phase diagrams and the nature of the phase transitions in multicomponent
gauge theories with an Abelian gauge field are important topics with various
physical applications. While an early renormalization-group-based study
indicated that...
Entropy Gain and Information Loss by Measurements
August 27, 2019
Quantum Physics
Mathematical Physics
Mathematical Physics
Quantum Physics
Mathematical Physics
Mathematical Physics
When the quantum entropy (QE) of a system increases due to measurements, it
leads to the loss of certain information, part of which may be recoverable. We
define Information Loss (IL) as a function of the density matrix through
quantum entr...