Semi-coarse Spaces, Homotopy and Homology
October 5, 2022
Algebraic Topology
General Topology
Geometric Topology
We begin the study the algebraic topology of semi-coarse spaces, which are
generalizations of coarse spaces that enable one to endow non-trivial
`coarse-like' structures to compact metric spaces, something which is
impossible in coarse geom...
On the Statistical Complexity of Estimation and Testing under Privacy Constraints
October 5, 2022
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Computer Science
Machine Learning
Cryptography and Security
The challenge of producing accurate statistics while respecting the privacy
of the individuals in a sample is an important area of research. We study
minimax lower bounds for classes of differentially private estimators. In
particular, we s...
The tropical -gonal construction
October 5, 2022
Algebraic Geometry
We give a purely tropical analogue of Donagi's -gonal construction and
investigate its combinatorial properties. The input of the construction is a
harmonic double cover of an -gonal tropical curve. For and a dilated
double co...
Large-scale power loss in ground-based CMB mapmaking
October 5, 2022
Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics
Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics
CMB mapmaking relies on a data model to solve for the sky map, and this
process is vulnerable to bias if the data model cannot capture the full
behavior of the signal. We demonstrate that this bias is not just limited to
small-scale effects...
A Road To Compactness Through Guessing Models
October 5, 2022
The compactness phenomenon is one of the featured aspects of structuralism in
mathematics. In simple and broad words, a compactness property holds in a
structure if a related property is satisfied by sufficiently many substructures
of that ...
Nonconvex quasi-variational inequalities: stability analysis and application to numerical optimization
October 5, 2022
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Optimization and Control
We consider a parametric quasi-variational inequality (QVI) without any
convexity assumption. Using the concept of \emph{optimal value function}, we
transform the problem into that of solving a nonsmooth system of inequalities.
Based on thi...
Modelling tree survival for investigating climate change effects
October 5, 2022
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Using German forest health monitoring data we investigate the main drivers
leading to tree mortality and the association between defoliation and
mortality; in particular (a) whether defoliation is a proxy for other
covariates (climate, soil...
Faster parameterized algorithms for modification problems to minor-closed classes
October 5, 2022
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Computer Science
Data Structures and Algorithms
Computational Complexity
Data Structures and Algorithms
Computational Complexity
Let be a minor-closed graph class and let be an -vertex
graph. We say that is a -apex of if contains a set of
at most vertices such that belongs to . Our first
result ...
Systematizing Cellular Complexity: A Hilbertian Approach To Biological Problems
October 5, 2022
Quantitative Biology
Other Quantitative Biology
Biological Physics
Examining individual components of cellular systems has been successful in
uncovering molecular reactions and interactions. However, the challenge lies in
integrating these components into a comprehensive system-scale map. This
difficulty a...
Orphan Calabi-Yau threefold with arithmetic monodromy group
October 5, 2022
Algebraic Geometry
We study monodromy groups of Picard-Fuchs operators of one-parameter families
of Calabi-Yau threefolds without a point of Maximal Unipotent Monodromy
(\emph{orphan operators}). We construct rational symplectic bases for the
monodromy action...