Lensing of the CMB is affected by post-Born lensing, producing corrections to
the convergence power spectrum and introducing field rotation. We show
numerically that the lensing convergence power spectrum is affected at the
This book is an introductory course to basic commutative algebra with a
particular emphasis on finitely generated projective modules. We adopt the
constructive point of view, with which all existence theorems have an explicit
algorithmic co...
Borel version of the Local Lemma
May 16, 2016
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Dynamical Systems
We prove a Borel version of the local lemma, i.e. we show that, under
suitable assumptions, if the set of variables in the local lemma has a
structure of a Borel space, then there exists a satisfying assignment which is
a Borel function. Th...
Some Epistemic Extensions of G\"odel Fuzzy Logic
May 12, 2016
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In this paper we prove soundness and completeness of some epistemic
extensions of G\"odel fuzzy logic, based on Kripke models in which both
propositions at each state and accessibility relations take values in [0,1]. We
adopt belief as our ...
Right orthogonal class of pure projective modules over pure hereditary
May 12, 2016
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Rings and Algebras
We denote by W the class of all pure projective modules. Present
article we investigate W-injective modules and these modules are
defined via the vanishing of cohomology of pure projective modules. First we
prove tha...
Lipschitz continuity in the Hurst parameter of functionals of stochastic
differential equations driven by a fractional Brownian motion
May 11, 2016
Sensitivity analysis w.r.t. the long-range/memory noise parameter for
probability distributions of functionals of solutions to stochastic
differential equations is an important stochastic modeling issue in many
In this paper...
Calabi-Yau structures on topological Fukaya categories
May 9, 2016
Algebraic Geometry
Symplectic Geometry
We develop a local-to-global formalism for constructing Calabi-Yau structures
for global sections of constructible sheaves or cosheaves of categories. The
required data - an isomorphism of the sheafified Hochschild homology with the
hp-Version space-time discontinuous Galerkin methods for parabolic
problems on prismatic meshes
May 4, 2016
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Computer Science
Numerical Analysis
Numerical Analysis
We present a new hp-version space-time discontinuous Galerkin (dG) finite
element method for the numerical approximation of parabolic evolution equations
on general spatial meshes consisting of polygonal/polyhedral (polytopic)
elements, g...
Intersection norms on surfaces and Birkhoff cross sections
April 22, 2016
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Geometric Topology
Dynamical Systems
Geometric Topology
Dynamical Systems
For every finite collection of curves on a surface, we define an associated
(semi-)norm on the first homology group of the surface. The unit ball of the
dual norm is the convex hull of its integer points. We give an interpretation
of these ...
Discrete stress-energy tensor in the loop O(n) model
April 21, 2016
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Mathematical Physics
Mathematical Physics
Mathematical Physics
Mathematical Physics
We study the loop O(n) model on the honeycomb lattice. By means of local
non-planar deformations of the lattice, we construct a discrete stress-energy
tensor. For n∈[0,2], it gives a new observable satisfying a part of