The properties of several functions are employed to investigate the zeros of
the Riemann zeta function ζ(a+bi)(0<a<1,b=0). If the zeros of the
zeta function have not the form 21+ib where i=−1, we derive
a c...
Towards Grand Unification
August 8, 2016
General Physics
Sidharth had shown that gravitation can be reconciled with electromagnetic
and other forces if we start from a Landau-Ginzburg phase transition. This is
further remarked upon and a unification of all forces of nature is proposed....
Physics on the adiabatically changed Finslerian manifold and cosmology
August 5, 2016
General Physics
In present paper we confirm our previous result [5] that the Planck constant
is adiabatic invariant of electromagnetic field propagating on the
adiabatically changed Finslerian manifold. Direct calculation from cosmological
parameters gives...
Superconducting instability in non-Fermi liquids
August 3, 2016
High Energy Physics - Theory
Strongly Correlated Electrons
We use renormalization group (RG) analysis and dimensional regularization
techniques to study potential superconductivity-inducing four-fermion
interactions in systems with critical Fermi surfaces of general dimensions
(m) and co-dimensio...
A study on partial dynamic equation on time scales involving derivatives
of polynomials
August 2, 2016
Classical Analysis and ODEs
Analysis of PDEs
Let P(m,b,x) be a 2m+1-degree polynomial in x,b. Let be a
two-dimensional timescale Λ2=T1×T2={t=(x,b):x∈T1,b∈T2} such that
m-Modular Wythoff
August 2, 2016
We introduce a variant of Wythoff's Game that we call m-Modular Wythoff's
Game. In the original Wythoff's Game, players can take a positive number of
tokens from one pile, or they can take a positive number of tokens from both
piles if th...
Double/Debiased Machine Learning for Treatment and Causal Parameters
July 29, 2016
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Machine Learning
Most modern supervised statistical/machine learning (ML) methods are
explicitly designed to solve prediction problems very well. Achieving this goal
does not imply that these methods automatically deliver good estimators of
causal parameter...
Amplitude determination for MM→MM, M=π,K and
cross-sections for γγ→π+π−,π0π0,π0η
in a chiral model
July 28, 2016
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High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
Dai and Pennington have performed a comprehensive analysis of essentially all
pion and kaon pair production data from two-photon collisions below 1.5 GeV,
including all high statistics results from Belle, as well as the older data
from Mark...
Topological Crystals
July 26, 2016
Algebraic Topology
Algebraic Topology
Sunada's work on crystallography emphasizes the role of the "maximal abelian
cover" of a graph X. This is a covering space of X for which the group of
deck transformations is the first homology group H1(X,Z). An
embedding of...
On some Lie groups containing spin group in Clifford algebra
July 25, 2016
Mathematical Physics
Mathematical Physics
Mathematical Physics
Mathematical Physics
In this paper we consider some Lie groups in complexified Clifford algebras.
Using relations between operations of conjugation in Clifford algebras and
matrix operations we prove isomorphisms between these groups and classical
matrix groups...