Monodromy of the Casimir connection of a symmetrisable Kac-Moody algebra
December 9, 2015
Quantum Algebra
Algebraic Geometry
Representation Theory
Let g be a symmetrisable Kac-Moody algebra and V an integrable g-module in
category O. We show that the monodromy of the (normally ordered) rational
Casimir connection on V can be made equivariant with respect to the Weyl group
W of g, and ...
Density-matrix renormalization group study of Kitaev-Heisenberg model on
the triangular lattice
December 8, 2015
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Strongly Correlated Electrons
We study the Kitaev-Heisenberg model on the triangular lattice by using the
two-dimensional density-matrix renormalization group method. Calculating the
ground-state energy and spin structure factors, we obtain the ground state
phase diagra...
The 2-category of species of dynamical patterns
December 7, 2015
Mathematical Physics
Category Theory
Mathematical Physics
Operator Algebras
A new category dp, called of dynamical patterns addressing a
primitive, nongeometrical concept of dynamics, is defined and employed to
construct a 2−category 2−dp, where the irreducible plurality of
species of co...
Algebraic part of motivic cohomology with compact supports
December 7, 2015
Algebraic Geometry
K-Theory and Homology
Motivated by Murre's work on universal regular homomorphisms on Chow groups
in codimension 2, we generalize the algebraic equivalence relation and
regular homomorphisms to the context of Voevodsky motives over a field. In the
Nisnevich to...
Reversible Control of In-plane Elastic Stress Tensor in Nanomembranes
November 25, 2015
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Materials Science
Materials Science
Strain engineering allows the physical properties of materials and devices to
be widely tailored, as paradigmatically demonstrated by strained transistors
and semiconductor lasers employed in consumer electronics. For this reason, its
Automorphism and Cohomology II: Complete intersections
November 24, 2015
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Algebraic Geometry
Algebraic Geometry
We prove that the automorphism group of a general complete intersection X
in a projective space is trivial with a few well-understood exceptions. We also
prove that the automorphism group of a complete intersection X acts on the
Equivariant formality of istropy actions
November 19, 2015
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Algebraic Topology
K-Theory and Homology
Algebraic Topology
K-Theory and Homology
Let G be a compact connected Lie group and K a connected Lie subgroup. In
this paper, we collect an assortment of results on equivariant formality of the
isotropy action of K on G/K. If the isotropy action of K on G/K is
The relative lattice path operad
November 18, 2015
Algebraic Topology
Algebraic Topology
We construct a set-theoretic coloured operad that may be thought of as a
combinatorial model for the Swiss Cheese operad. This is the relative (or Swiss
Cheese) version of the lattice path operad constructed by Batanin and Berger.
By adapti...
Scale invariance of the eta-deformed AdS5 x S5 superstring, T-duality
and modified type II equations
November 18, 2015
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High Energy Physics - Theory
We consider the ABF background underlying the eta-deformed AdS5 x S5 sigma
model. This background fails to satisfy the standard IIB supergravity equations
which indicates that the corresponding sigma model is not Weyl invariant, i.e.
does n...
Tight Logarithmic Asymptotic for the Probability of n×n Random
Matrix with Uniform Distributed ±1 Entries to be Singular
November 17, 2015
We prove that probability Pn that n×n random matrix with uniform
distributed ±1 entries is singular satisfies asymptotic inequality Pn=n(n−1)21−n(1+o(1)) We find the asymptotic expansion of Pn...