I-Love-Q anisotropically: Universal relations for compact stars with
scalar pressure anisotropy
March 9, 2015
General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology
High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena
Certain physical quantities that characterize neutron stars and quark stars
(e.g. their mass, spin angular momentum and quadrupole moment) are interrelated
in a way that is approximately insensitive to their internal structure. Such
NF is Consistent
March 4, 2015
In this paper we will present a proof of the consistency of Quine's set
theory "New Foundations" (hereinafter NF), so-called after the title of the
1937 paper in which it was introduced.
This version takes the approach of building a model...
Emergent Spacetime and Cosmic Inflation
March 2, 2015
High Energy Physics - Theory
General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology
Mathematical Physics
Mathematical Physics
We present a novel background-independent framework for cosmic inflation,
starting with a matrix model. In this framework, inflation is portrayed as a
dynamic process responsible for the generation of both space and time. This
stands in con...
Sharp Moser-Trudinger inequalities on Riemannian manifolds with Negative
March 1, 2015
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Analysis of PDEs
Let M be a complete, simply connected Riemannian manifold with negative
curvature. We obtain some Moser-Trudinger inequalities with sharp constants on
Classification of knotted tori
February 16, 2015
Geometric Topology
Algebraic Topology
For a smooth manifold N denote by Em(N) the set of smooth isotopy
classes of smooth embeddings N→Rm. A description of the set
Em(Sp×Sq) was known only for p=q=0 or for p=0, m=q+2 or for
$2m\ge 2(p+q)+\m...
Massless Neutrino Oscillations via Quantum Tunneling
February 2, 2015
General Physics
General Physics
In the current theory, neutrino oscillations require that the masses of
neutrinos are non-vanishing. By analogy with the oscillation of quantum
two-state system, we assume that neutrino oscillations may be regarded as
quantum tunneling proc...
Transcendental Brauer groups of products of CM elliptic curves
January 19, 2015
Number Theory
Let L be a number field and let E/L be an elliptic curve with complex
multiplication by the ring of integers OK of an imaginary
quadratic field K. We use class field theory and results of Skorobogatov and
Zarhin to comput...
Big quantum cohomology of Fano complete intersections
January 15, 2015
Algebraic Geometry
Algebraic Geometry
For smooth complete intersections in the projective spaces, we use the
deformation invariance of Gromov-Witten invariants and results in classical
invariant theory to study the symmetric reduction of the WDVV equation by the
monodromy group...
A new derivation of the Minkowski metric
January 15, 2015
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General Physics
General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology
The four dimensional spacetime continuum, as first conceived by Minkowski,
has become the dominant framework within which to describe physical laws. In
this paper, we show how this four-dimensional structure is a natural property
of physica...
Characterization of graphs without even F-orientations
January 11, 2015
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A graph G is 1-extendible if every edge belongs to at least one
1-factor of G. Let G be a graph with a 1-factor F. Then an even
F-orientation of G is an orientation in which each F-alternating cycle
has exactly an even n...