A q-bic form is a pairing V×V→k that is linear in the
second variable and q-power Frobenius linear in the first; here, V is a
vector space over a field k containing the finite field on q2
elements. ...
The Geometry of Rank Drop in a Class of Face-Splitting Matrix Products
January 24, 2023
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Algebraic Geometry
Commutative Algebra
Given k≤6 points (xi,yi)∈P2×P2, we
characterize rank deficiency of the k×9 matrix Zk with rows
xi⊤⊗yi⊤ in terms of the geometry of the point
configurations {xi} ...
Dimension drop of harmonic measure for some finite range random walks on
Fuchsian Schottky groups
January 23, 2023
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Geometric Topology
Geometric Topology
We prove that the harmonic measures of certain finite range random walks on
Fuchsian Schottky groups, have dimension strictly smaller than the Hausdorff
dimension of the corresponding limit set....
The Exact Solutions of Certain Linear Partial Difference Equations
January 23, 2023
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Analysis of PDEs
Analysis of PDEs
Difference equations have many applications and play an important role in
numerical analysis, probability, statistics, combinatorics, computer science,
quantum consciousness, etc. We first prove that the partial differential
equation is equ...
On K\"ahler Ricci shrinker surfaces
January 23, 2023
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Differential Geometry
Differential Geometry
In this paper, we prove that any K\"ahler Ricci shrinker surface has bounded
sectional curvature. Combining this estimate with earlier work by many authors,
we provide a complete classification of all K\"ahler Ricci shrinker surfaces....
Eight-stage pseudo-symplectic Runge-Kutta methods of order (4, 8)
January 23, 2023
Computer Science
Numerical Analysis
Numerical Analysis
Numerical Analysis
Numerical Analysis
Using simplifying assumptions that are related to the time reversal symmetry,
a 1-dimensional family of 8-stage pseudo-symplectic Runge-Kutta methods of
order (4, 8), i.e., methods of order 4 that preserve symplectic structure up to
order 8...
Improved Hardness of Approximation for Geometric Bin Packing
January 23, 2023
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Computer Science
Data Structures and Algorithms
Computational Complexity
Computational Geometry
Data Structures and Algorithms
Computational Complexity
Computational Geometry
The Geometric Bin Packing (GBP) problem is a generalization of Bin Packing
where the input is a set of d-dimensional rectangles, and the goal is to pack
them into unit d-dimensional cubes efficiently. It is NP-Hard to obtain a
PTAS for ...
Hankel operators on Lp(R+) and their p-completely bounded
January 23, 2023
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Functional Analysis
Functional Analysis
We show that for any 1<p<∞, the space Hankp(R+)⊆B(Lp(R+)) of all Hankel operators on Lp(R+) is equal
to the w∗-closure of the linear span of the operators $\theta_u\colon
On the Convergence of the Gradient Descent Method with Stochastic
Fixed-point Rounding Errors under the Polyak-Lojasiewicz Inequality
January 23, 2023
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Computer Science
Machine Learning
Machine Learning
Numerical Analysis
Numerical Analysis
Optimization and Control
Machine Learning
Machine Learning
Numerical Analysis
Numerical Analysis
Optimization and Control
When training neural networks with low-precision computation, rounding errors
often cause stagnation or are detrimental to the convergence of the optimizers;
in this paper we study the influence of rounding errors on the convergence of
the ...
Spectrum and Fine Spectrum of Band Matrices Generated by Oscillatory
January 23, 2023
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Spectral Theory
Functional Analysis
Spectral Theory
Functional Analysis
In this paper, a new class of band matrices is considered where the entries
of each non-zero band form a sequence with two limit points. The compact
perturbation technique is used to study the spectrum over the ℓp,(1<p<∞) sequ...