Monoidal Properties of Franke's Exotic Equivalence
January 23, 2023
Algebraic Topology
Franke's reconstruction functor R is known to provide examples of
triangulated equivalences between homotopy categories of stable model
categories, which are exotic in the sense that the underlying model categories
are not Quillen equivalen...
A Rasmussen invariant for links in RP3
January 23, 2023
Geometric Topology
Quantum Algebra
Asaeda-Przytycki-Sikora, Manturov, and Gabrov\v{s}ek extended Khovanov
homology to links in RP3. We construct a Lee-type deformation of
their theory, and use it to define an analogue of Rasmussen's s-invariant in
this setting. W...
Localisations and completions of nilpotent G-spaces
January 23, 2023
Algebraic Topology
We develop the theory of nilpotent G-spaces and their localisations, for
G a compact Lie group, via reduction to the non-equivariant case using
Bousfield localisation. One point of interest in the equivariant setting is
that we can choo...
YOLO-CL: Galaxy cluster detection in the SDSS with deep machine learning
January 23, 2023
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Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics
Astrophysics of Galaxies
(Abridged) Galaxy clusters are a powerful probe of cosmological models. Next
generation large-scale optical and infrared surveys will reach unprecedented
depths over large areas and require highly complete and pure cluster catalogs,
with a ...
Automation and AI Technology in Surface Mining With a Brief Introduction
to Open-Pit Operations in the Pilbara
January 23, 2023
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Computer Science
Computers and Society
General Literature
This survey article provides a synopsis on some of the engineering problems,
technological innovations, robotic development and automation efforts
encountered in the mining industry -- particularly in the Pilbara iron-ore
region of Western ...
Hopf-algebraic structures on mixed graphs
January 23, 2023
We introduce two coproducts on mixed graphs (that is to say graphs with both
oriented and unoriented edges), the first one by separation of the vertices
into two parts, and the second one given by contraction and extractions of
subgraphs. W...
Backdoor Attacks in Peer-to-Peer Federated Learning
January 23, 2023
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Computer Science
Machine Learning
Cryptography and Security
Most machine learning applications rely on centralized learning processes,
opening up the risk of exposure of their training datasets. While federated
learning (FL) mitigates to some extent these privacy risks, it relies on a
trusted aggreg...
Direct Microstability Optimization of Stellarator Devices
January 23, 2023
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Plasma Physics
Turbulent transport is regarded as one of the key issues in magnetic
confinement nuclear fusion, both for tokamaks in stellarators. In this work, we
show that a significant decrease in a microstability-based proxy, as opposed to
a geometric...
Classification of Unimodal Parametric Plane Curve Singularities in
Positive Characteristic
January 23, 2023
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Algebraic Geometry
In 2011, Hefez and Hernandes completed Zariski's analytic classification of
plane branches belonging to a certain equisingularity class by creating "very
short" parameterizations over the complex numbers. Their results were used by
Mehmood ...
On the Support of Anomalous Dissipation Measures
January 23, 2023
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Analysis of PDEs
Mathematical Physics
Mathematical Physics
Fluid Dynamics
By means of a unifying measure-theoretic approach, we establish lower bounds
on the Hausdorff dimension of the space-time set which can support anomalous
dissipation for weak solutions of fluid equations, both in the presence or
absence of ...