Alternating and symmetric superpowers of metric generalized Jordan
January 22, 2023
Rings and Algebras
Representation Theory
The aim of this paper is to define and study the constructions of alternating
and symmetric (super)powers of metric generalized Jordan (super)pairs. These
constructions are obtained by transference via the Faulkner construction. The
Isometric dilation and Sarason's commutant lifting theorem in several
January 22, 2023
Functional Analysis
The article deals with isometric dilation and commutant lifting for a class
of n-tuples (n≥3) of commuting contractions. We show that operator
tuples in the class dilate to tuples of commuting isometries of BCL type. As a
The μ-invariant change for abelian varieties over finite
p-extensions of global fields
January 22, 2023
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Number Theory
Algebraic Geometry
We extend the work of Lai, Longhi, Suzuki, the first two authors and study
the change of μ-invariants, with respect to a finite Galois p-extension
K′/K, of an ordinary abelian variety A over a Zpd-extension of
global fi...
EDEFuzz: A Web API Fuzzer for Excessive Data Exposures
January 22, 2023
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Computer Science
Cryptography and Security
APIs often transmit far more data to client applications than they need, and
in the context of web applications, often do so over public channels. This
issue, termed Excessive Data Exposure (EDE), was OWASP's third most significant
API vuln...
Provable Unrestricted Adversarial Training without Compromise with
January 22, 2023
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Computer Science
Machine Learning
Adversarial training (AT) is widely considered as the most promising strategy
to defend against adversarial attacks and has drawn increasing interest from
researchers. However, the existing AT methods still suffer from two challenges.
Quasinormal Modes in Noncommutative Schwarzschild black holes
January 22, 2023
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General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology
High Energy Physics - Theory
We investigate the quasinormal modes of a massless scalar field in a
Schwarzschild black hole, which is deformed due to noncommutative corrections.
We introduce the deformed Schwarzschild black hole solution, which depends on
the noncommuta...
Data-driven discovery of quasiperiodically driven dynamics
January 22, 2023
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Dynamical Systems
The analysis of a timeseries can provide many new perspectives if it is
accompanied by the assumption that the timeseries is generated from an
underlying dynamical system. For example, statistical properties of the data
can be related to me...
Quantum Monte Carlo algorithm for solving Black-Scholes PDEs for
high-dimensional option pricing in finance and its complexity analysis
January 22, 2023
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Computer Science
Quantitative Finance
Quantum Physics
Numerical Analysis
Numerical Analysis
Computational Finance
Mathematical Finance
In this paper we provide a quantum Monte Carlo algorithm to solve
high-dimensional Black-Scholes PDEs with correlation for high-dimensional
option pricing. The payoff function of the option is of general form and is
only required to be cont...
Average R\'{e}nyi Entropy of a Subsystem in Random Pure State
January 22, 2023
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Quantum Physics
High Energy Physics - Theory
In this paper we examine the average R\'{e}nyi entropy Sα of a
subsystem A when the whole composite system AB is a random pure state. We
assume that the Hilbert space dimensions of A and AB are m and mn
respectively. ...
Remarks on the existence of minimal models of log canonical generalized
January 22, 2023
Algebraic Geometry
Given an NQC log canonical generalized pair (X,B+M) whose underlying
variety X is not necessarily Q-factorial, we show that one may run
a (KX+B+M)-MMP with scaling of an ample divisor which terminates, provided
that $(X,B+...