On the solutions of x2=Byp+Czp and 2x2=Byp+Czp over totally
real fields
January 22, 2023
Number Theory
In this article, we study the solutions of certain type over K of the
Diophantine equation x2=Byp+Czp with prime exponent p, where B is an
odd integer and C is either an odd integer or C=2r for r∈N.
Further, ...
Responses of quark-antiquark interaction and heavy quark dynamics to
magnetic field
January 22, 2023
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
We investigate the impact of the magnetic field generated by colliding nuclei
on heavy quark-antiquark interactions and heavy quark dynamics in the
quark-gluon plasma (QGP). By means of hard-thermal-loop resummation technique
combined with ...
Intrinsic variational structure of higher-derivative formulations of
classical mechanics
January 22, 2023
Classical Physics
This paper investigates the geometric structure of higher-derivative
formulations of classical mechanics. It is shown that every even-order
formulation of classical mechanics higher than the second order is
intrinsically variational, in the...
Strict comparison and stable rank one
January 22, 2023
Operator Algebras
Let A be a σ-unital finite simple C∗-algebra which has strict
comparison property. We show that if the canonical map Γ from the Cuntz
semigroup to certain lower semi-continuous affine functions is surjective, then
A has...
Skew-Normal Diffusions
January 22, 2023
We present a class of scalar Markovian diffusion processes whose transition
probability densities are skewed Gaussian distributions. Their stochastic
dynamics involve nonlinear and time-dependent drifts driven by White Gaussian
noise source...
Summarize the Past to Predict the Future: Natural Language Descriptions
of Context Boost Multimodal Object Interaction Anticipation
January 22, 2023
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Computer Science
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Computation and Language
We study object interaction anticipation in egocentric videos. This task
requires an understanding of the spatio-temporal context formed by past actions
on objects, coined action context. We propose TransFusion, a multimodal
The categorical basis of dynamical entropy
January 22, 2023
Category Theory
Dynamical Systems
Many branches of theoretical and applied mathematics require a quantifiable
notion of complexity. One such circumstance is a topological dynamical system -
which involves a continuous self-map on a metric space. There are many notions
of co...
Height reduction for local uniformization of varieties and
non-archimedean spaces
January 22, 2023
Algebraic Geometry
It is known since the works of Zariski that the essential difficulty in the
local uniformization problem is met already in the case of valuations of height
one. In this paper we prove that local uniformization of schemes and
Benchmarking Quantum Circuit Transformation with QKNOB Circuits
January 21, 2023
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Quantum Physics
Quantum Physics
Current superconducting quantum devices impose strict connectivity
constraints on quantum circuit execution, necessitating circuit transformation
before executing quantum circuits on physical hardware. Numerous quantum
circuit transformatio...
T-symmetry in String Geometry Theory
January 21, 2023
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High Energy Physics - Theory
Symplectic Geometry
High Energy Physics - Theory
Symplectic Geometry
String geometry theory is one of the candidates of non-perturbative
formulation of string theory. In this paper, we have shown that dimensionally
reduced string geometry theories have what we call T-symmetry. In case of the
dimensional redu...