Prediction of Room-Temperature Superconductivity in Quasi-atomic H2-Type
Hydrides at High Pressure
February 6, 2023
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Achieving superconductivity at room temperature (RT) is a holy grail in
physics. Recent discoveries on high-Tc superconductivity in binary hydrides H3S
and LaH10 at high pressure have directed the search for RT superconductors to
compress h...
Parabolic quasi-contact cone structures with an infinitesimal symmetry
February 6, 2023
Differential Geometry
We interpret the property of having an infinitesimal symmetry as a
variational property in certain geometric structures. This is achieved by
establishing a one-to-one correspondence between a class of cone structures
with an infinitesimal s...
Growth of k-dimensional systoles in congruence coverings
February 6, 2023
Geometric Topology
Group Theory
We study growth of absolute and homological k-dimensional systoles of
arithmetic n-manifolds along congruence coverings. Our main interest is in
the growth of systoles of manifolds whose real rank r>1. We observe, in
particular, tha...
The Impact of Congestion and Dedicated Lanes on On-Demand Multimodal
Transit Systems
February 6, 2023
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Optimization and Control
Traffic congestion can have a detrimental effect on public transit systems,
and understanding and mitigating these effects is of critical importance for
effective public transportation. Implementing Dedicated Bus Lanes (DBLs) is a
Linear Optimal Partial Transport Embedding
February 6, 2023
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Computer Science
Machine Learning
Optimization and Control
Optimal transport (OT) has gained popularity due to its various applications
in fields such as machine learning, statistics, and signal processing. However,
the balanced mass requirement limits its performance in practical problems. To
Kontsevich's Characteristic Classes as Topological Invariants of
Configuration Space Bundles
February 6, 2023
Geometric Topology
Kontsevich's characteristic classes are invariants of framed smooth fiber
bundles with homology sphere fibers. It was shown by Watanabe that they can be
used to distinguish smooth S4-bundles that are all trivial as topological
fiber bund...
Measurement of the ratios of branching fractions R(D∗)
and R(D0)
February 6, 2023
High Energy Physics - Experiment
The ratios of branching fractions
R(D∗)≡B(Bˉ→D∗τ−νˉτ)/B(Bˉ→D∗μ−νˉμ) and $\mathcal{R}(D^{0})\equiv\mathcal{B}(B^{-}\to
One-shot Empirical Privacy Estimation for Federated Learning
February 6, 2023
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Computer Science
Machine Learning
Cryptography and Security
Privacy estimation techniques for differentially private (DP) algorithms are
useful for comparing against analytical bounds, or to empirically measure
privacy loss in settings where known analytical bounds are not tight. However,
existing p...
Monotone Function Intervals: Theory and Applications
February 6, 2023
Theoretical Economics
A monotone function interval is the set of monotone functions that lie
pointwise between two fixed monotone functions. We characterize the set of
extreme points of monotone function intervals and apply this to a number of
economic settings....
Topological Non-Hermitian skin effect
February 6, 2023
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Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics
Quantum Physics
This article reviews recent developments in the non-Hermitian skin effect
(NHSE), particularly on its rich interplay with topology. The review starts off
with a pedagogical introduction on the modified bulk-boundary correspondence,
the syne...