On residues and conjugacies for germs of 1-D parabolic diffeomorphisms
in finite regularity
February 25, 2023
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Dynamical Systems
Analysis of PDEs
Group Theory
Geometric Topology
Dynamical Systems
Analysis of PDEs
Group Theory
Geometric Topology
We study conjugacy classes of germs of non-flat diffeomorphisms of the real
line fixing the origin. Based on the work of Takens and Yoccoz, we establish
results that are sharp in terms of differentiability classes and order of
tangency to t...
Fractional quantum anomalous Hall phase for Raman superarray of Rydberg
February 25, 2023
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Quantum Gases
Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics
Strongly Correlated Electrons
Quantum Physics
Quantum Gases
Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics
Strongly Correlated Electrons
Quantum Physics
Rydberg atom arrays offer promising platforms for quantum simulation of
correlated quantum matter and raise great interests. This work proposes a novel
stripe-lattice model with Raman superarray of Rydberg atoms to realize bosonic
Involutions on hyperelliptic curves and Prym maps
February 25, 2023
Algebraic Geometry
We investigate the geometry of smooth hyperelliptic curves that possess
additional involutions, especially from the point of view of the Prym theory.
Our main result is the injectivity of the Prym map for hyperelliptic
Kernel Multi-Grid on Manifolds
February 25, 2023
Computer Science
Numerical Analysis
Numerical Analysis
Kernel methods for solving partial differential equations on surfaces have
the advantage that those methods work intrinsically on the surface and yield
high approximation rates if the solution to the partial differential equation
is smooth ...
Explaining Generalization Power of a DNN Using Interactive Concepts
February 25, 2023
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Computer Science
Machine Learning
Artificial Intelligence
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
This paper explains the generalization power of a deep neural network (DNN)
from the perspective of interactions. Although there is no universally accepted
definition of the concepts encoded by a DNN, the sparsity of interactions in a
DNN h...
Does a Neural Network Really Encode Symbolic Concepts?
February 25, 2023
Computer Science
Machine Learning
Artificial Intelligence
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Recently, a series of studies have tried to extract interactions between
input variables modeled by a DNN and define such interactions as concepts
encoded by the DNN. However, strictly speaking, there still lacks a solid
guarantee whether s...
The AC0-Complexity Of Visibly Pushdown Languages
February 25, 2023
Computer Science
Formal Languages and Automata Theory
Computational Complexity
Logic in Computer Science
We study the question of which visibly pushdown languages (VPLs) are in the
complexity class AC0 and how to effectively decide this question.
Our contribution is to introduce a particular subclass of one-turn VPLs, called
Myocardial Infarction Detection from ECG: A Gramian Angular Field-based
2D-CNN Approach
February 25, 2023
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Electrical Engineering and Systems Science
Computer Science
Signal Processing
Information Theory
Information Theory
This paper presents a novel method for inferior myocardial infarction (MI)
detection using lead II of electrocardiogram (ECG). We evaluate our proposed
method on a public dataset, namely, Physikalisch Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB)
ECG data...
Computing excluded minors for classes of matroids representable over
partial fields
February 25, 2023
We describe an implementation of a computer search for the "small" excluded
minors for a class of matroids representable over a partial field. Using these
techniques, we enumerate the excluded minors on at most 15 elements for both
the clas...
A Synthetic Texas Power System with Time-Series High-Resolution
Weather-Dependent Spatio-Temporally Correlated Grid Profiles
February 25, 2023
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Electrical Engineering and Systems Science
Computer Science
Systems and Control
Systems and Control
This study introduced a synthetic power system with spatio-temporally
correlated profiles of solar power, wind power, dynamic line ratings and loads
at one-hour resolution for five continuous years, referred to as the Texas
123-bus backbone...