In this paper, we show that the (3k+4)-dimensional Weisfeiler--Leman
algorithm can identify graphs of treewidth k in O(logn) rounds. This
improves the result of Grohe & Verbitsky (ICALP 2006), who previously
established the analogou...
Reduced resonance schemes and Chen ranks
March 14, 2023
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Algebraic Geometry
Algebraic Topology
The resonance varieties are cohomological invariants that are studied in a
variety of topological, combinatorial, and geometric contexts. We discuss their
scheme structure in a general algebraic setting and introduce various
properties that...
Empirical Bayes inference in sparse high-dimensional generalized linear
March 14, 2023
Statistics Theory
Statistics Theory
High-dimensional linear models have been widely studied, but the developments
in high-dimensional generalized linear models, or GLMs, have been slower. In
this paper, we propose an empirical or data-driven prior leading to an
empirical Baye...
Parameter estimation of stochastic SIR model driven by small L\'{e}vy
noise with time-dependent periodic transmission
March 14, 2023
Statistics Theory
Statistics Theory
We investigate the parameter estimation and prediction of two forms of the
stochastic SIR model driven by small L\'{e}vy noise with time-dependent
periodic transmission. We present consistency and rate of convergence results
for the least-s...
Emergent Energy Dissipation in Quantum Limit
March 14, 2023
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Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics
Energy dissipation is of fundamental interest and crucial importance in
quantum systems. However, whether energy dissipation can emerge inside
topological systems remains a question, especially when charge transport is
topologically protect...
Entangled time-crystal phase in an open quantum light-matter system
March 14, 2023
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Statistical Mechanics
Quantum Physics
Time-crystals are nonequilibrium many-body phases in which the state of the
system dynamically approaches a limit cycle. While these phases are recently in
the focus of intensive research, it is still far from clear whether they can
host qu...
On Σ1-Definable Closed Unbounded Sets
March 14, 2023
Definable stationary sets, and specifically, ordinal definable ones, play a
significant role in the study of canonical inner models of set theory and the
class HOD of hereditarily ordinal definable sets. Fixing a certain notion of
Controllable Prosody Generation With Partial Inputs
March 14, 2023
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Electrical Engineering and Systems Science
Computer Science
Audio and Speech Processing
Artificial Intelligence
Computation and Language
Machine Learning
We address the problem of human-in-the-loop control for generating prosody in
the context of text-to-speech synthesis. Controlling prosody is challenging
because existing generative models lack an efficient interface through which
users can...
We present the construction of standard entanglement-assisted (EA) qubit
Reed-Muller (RM) codes and their tensor product variants from classical RM
codes. We show that the EA RM codes obtained using the CSS construction have
zero coding rat...
Do More With What You Have: Transferring Depth-Scale from Labeled to
Unlabeled Domains
March 14, 2023
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Computer Science
Electrical Engineering and Systems Science
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Image and Video Processing
Transferring the absolute depth prediction capabilities of an estimator to a
new domain is a task with significant real-world applications. This task is
specifically challenging when images from the new domain are collected without