Phase transitions in the fractional three-dimensional Navier-Stokes
March 14, 2023
Fluid Dynamics
Chaotic Dynamics
Analysis of PDEs
The fractional Navier-Stokes equations on a periodic domain [0,L]3
differ from their conventional counterpart by the replacement of the
−νΔu Laplacian term by νsAsu, where A=−Δ is the Sto...
A spectral ansatz for the long-time homogenization of the wave equation
March 14, 2023
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Mathematical Physics
Mathematical Physics
Analysis of PDEs
Consider the wave equation with heterogeneous coefficients in the
homogenization regime. At large times, the wave interacts in a nontrivial way
with the heterogeneities, giving rise to effective dispersive effects. The main
achievement of t...
Sign-twisted generating functions of the odd length in Weyl groups of
type D
March 14, 2023
Group Theory
The odd length in Weyl groups is a new statistic analogous to the classical
Coxeter length, and features combinatorial and parity conditions. We establish
an explicit closed product formula for the sign-twisted generating functions of
the o...
Context Normalization Layer with Applications
March 14, 2023
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Computer Science
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Artificial Intelligence
Machine Learning
Normalization is a pre-processing step that converts the data into a more
usable representation. As part of the deep neural networks (DNNs), the batch
normalization (BN) technique uses normalization to address the problem of
internal covari...
Detecting hidden structures from a static loading experiment: topology
optimization meets physics-informed neural networks
March 13, 2023
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Computer Science
Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science
Artificial Intelligence
Machine Learning
Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science
Artificial Intelligence
Machine Learning
Most noninvasive imaging techniques utilize electromagnetic or acoustic waves
originating from multiple locations and directions to identify hidden
geometrical structures. Surprisingly, it is also possible to image hidden voids
and inclusio...
Advancing Network Securing Strategies with Network Algorithms for
Integrated Air Defense System (IADS) Missile Batteries
March 13, 2023
Computer Science
Social and Information Networks
Social and Information Networks
Recently, the Integrated Air Defense System (IADS) has become vital for the
defense system as the military defense system is vital for national security.
Placing Integrated Air Defense System batteries among locations to protect
locations a...
Lax representations for the magnetohydrodynamics equations
March 13, 2023
Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems
Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems
We find two Lax representations for the reduced magnetohydrodynamics
equations ({\sc rmhd}) and derive a B{\"a}cklund transformation between the
tangent and the cotangent coverings of these equations. Then, we study the
action of the B{\"a}...
Continuous-Time Zeroth-Order Dynamics with Projection Maps: Model-Free
Feedback Optimization with Safety Guarantees
March 13, 2023
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Computer Science
Electrical Engineering and Systems Science
Optimization and Control
Systems and Control
Systems and Control
Optimization and Control
Systems and Control
Systems and Control
This paper introduces a class of model-free feedback methods for solving
generic constrained optimization problems where the specific mathematical forms
of the objective and constraint functions are not available. The proposed
methods, term...
The CFK∞ Type of Almost L-space Knots
March 13, 2023
Geometric Topology
Geometric Topology
Heegaard Floer homology and knot Floer homology are powerful invariants of
3-manifolds and links respectively. L-space knots are knots which admit Dehn
surgeries to 3-manifolds with Heegaard Floer homology of minimal rank. In this
paper we ...
Optimizing Convolutional Neural Networks for Chronic Obstructive
Pulmonary Disease Detection in Clinical Computed Tomography Imaging
March 13, 2023
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Electrical Engineering and Systems Science
Computer Science
Image and Video Processing
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Machine Learning
Image and Video Processing
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Machine Learning
We aim to optimize the binary detection of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary
Disease (COPD) based on emphysema presence in the lung with convolutional
neural networks (CNN) by exploring manually adjusted versus automated
window-setting optimiza...