Fractional diffusion for Fokker-Planck equation with heavy tail
equilibrium: an \`a la Koch spectral method in any dimension
March 13, 2023
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Analysis of PDEs
Analysis of PDEs
In this paper, we extend the spectral method developed [Dechicha and Puel,
2023] to any dimension d⩾1, in order to construct an eigen-solution
for the Fokker-Planck operator with heavy tail equilibria, of the form
Pretrained ViTs Yield Versatile Representations For Medical Images
March 13, 2023
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Computer Science
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have reigned for a decade as the de
facto approach to automated medical image diagnosis, pushing the
state-of-the-art in classification, detection and segmentation tasks. Over the
last years, vision tran...
Wild solutions to scalar Euler-Lagrange equations
March 13, 2023
Analysis of PDEs
We study very weak solutions to scalar Euler-Lagrange equations associated
with quadratic convex functionals. We investigate whether W1,1 solutions
are necessarily Wloc1,2, which would make the theories
by De Gio...
Tensor Factorized Recursive Hamiltonian Downfolding To Optimize The
Scaling Complexity Of The Electronic Correlations Problem on Classical and
Quantum Computers
March 13, 2023
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Quantum Physics
This paper presents a new variant of post-Hartree-Fock Hamiltonian
downfolding-based quantum chemistry methods with optimized scaling for
high-cost simulations like coupled cluster (CC), full configuration interaction
(FCI), and multi-refer...
Integration of storage endpoints into a Rucio data lake, as an activity
to prototype a SKA Regional Centres Network
March 13, 2023
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Computer Science
Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics
Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing
The Square Kilometre Array (SKA) infrastructure will consist of two radio
telescopes that will be the most sensitive telescopes on Earth. The SKA
community will have to process and manage near exascale data, which will be a
technical challe...
New bounds in the discrete analogue of Minkowski's second theorem
March 13, 2023
Metric Geometry
We adapt an argument of Tao and Vu to show that if
λ1≤⋯≤λd are the successive minima of an
origin-symmetric convex body K with respect to some lattice
Λ<Rd, and if we set $k=\max\{j:\lambda_j\le1...
Mass Spectrum, Root Mean Square Radii, Form Factors and Charge Radii of
March 13, 2023
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High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
In this work, properties of charmonium, bottomonium and charmed-bottom mesons
for S, P, D states are calculated with the selection of suitable trial wave
functions for the non-relativistic potential model along with the incorporation
of spi...
Global unique solutions with instantaneous loss of regularity for SQG
with fractional diffusion
March 13, 2023
Analysis of PDEs
In this work we construct global unique solutions of the dissipative Surface
quasi-geostrophic equation (α-SQG) that lose regularity instantly when
there is super-critical fractional diffusion....
Reconciling rough volatility with jumps
March 13, 2023
Quantitative Finance
Mathematical Finance
Computational Finance
We reconcile rough volatility models and jump models using a class of
reversionary Heston models with fast mean reversions and large vol-of-vols.
Starting from hyper-rough Heston models with a Hurst index H∈(−1/2,1/2),
we derive a Mar...
On the Algorithmic Information Between Probabilities
March 13, 2023
Computer Science
Computational Complexity
Quantum Physics
We extend algorithmic conservation inequalities to probability measures. The
amount of self information of a probability measure cannot increase when
submitted to randomized processing. This includes (potentially non-computable)
measures ov...