Singer Conjecture for Varieties with Semismall Albanese Map and
Residually Finite Fundamental Group
March 12, 2023
Differential Geometry
Algebraic Geometry
Geometric Topology
We prove the Singer conjecture for varieties with semismall Albanese map and
residually finite fundamental group....
Improving the Diproche CNL through Autoformalization via Large Language
March 12, 2023
Computer Science
Computation and Language
Logic in Computer Science
The Diproche system is an automated proof checker for texts written in a
controlled fragment of German, designed for didactical applications in classes
introducing students to proofs for the first time. The first version of the
system used ...
Multi-Channel Orthogonal Transform-Based Perceptron Layers for Efficient
March 12, 2023
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Computer Science
Electrical Engineering and Systems Science
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Image and Video Processing
Signal Processing
In this paper, we propose a set of transform-based neural network layers as
an alternative to the 3×3 Conv2D layers in Convolutional Neural Networks
(CNNs). The proposed layers can be implemented based on orthogonal transforms
such a...
Investigating the elliptic anisotropy of identified particles in p--Pb
collisions with a multi-phase transport model
March 12, 2023
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High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
The elliptic azimuthal anisotropy coefficient (v2) of the identified
particles at midrapidity (∣η∣<0.8) was investigated in p--Pb collisions at
sNN= 5.02 TeV using a multi-phase transport model (AMPT).
The calcu...
Leavitt path algebras in which every Lie ideal is an ideal and
March 12, 2023
Rings and Algebras
In this paper, we classify all Leavitt path algebras which have the property
that every Lie ideal is an ideal. As an application, we show that Leavitt path
algebras with this property provide a class of locally finite,
infinite-dimensional ...
Collisionless dynamics in disordered superconductors
March 12, 2023
I consider relaxation of the pairing amplitude in a disordered
Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) superconductor in the absence of the
two-particle collisions. My main assumption is that nonmagnetic and magnetic
disorder scattering rates are m...
Birational Weyl group actions via mutation combinatorics in cluster
March 12, 2023
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Representation Theory
Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems
A cluster algebra is an algebraic structure generated by operations of a
quiver (a directed graph) called the mutations and their associated simple
birational mappings. By using a graph-combinatorial approach, we present a
systematic way to...
A Differential Effect Approach to Partial Identification of Treatment
March 11, 2023
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We consider identification and inference for the average treatment effect and
heterogeneous treatment effect conditional on observable covariates in the
presence of unmeasured confounding. Since point identification of these
treatment effec...
Locally Compact Groups with All Dense Subgroups Separable
March 11, 2023
Group Theory
General Topology
Group Theory
General Topology
By a recent result of Juh\'{a}sz and van Mill, a locally compact topological
group whose dense subspaces are all separable is metrizable. In this note we
investigate the following question: is every locally compact group having all
dense su...
Measuring Information Transfer Between Nodes in a Brain Network through
Spectral Transfer Entropy
March 11, 2023
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Brain connectivity characterizes interactions between different regions of a
brain network during resting-state or performance of a cognitive task. In
studying brain signals such as electroencephalograms (EEG), one formal approach
to invest...