TGDataset: Collecting and Exploring the Largest Telegram Channels
March 9, 2023
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Computer Science
Computers and Society
Computers and Society
Telegram is one of the most popular instant messaging apps in today's digital
age. In addition to providing a private messaging service, Telegram, with its
channels, represents a valid medium for rapidly broadcasting content to a large
The fundamental group of Galois covers of surfaces with octahedral
March 9, 2023
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Algebraic Geometry
Algebraic Geometry
We compute the fundamental group of the Galois cover of a surface of
degree~8, with singularities of degree 4, whose degeneration envelope is
isomorphic to an octahedron. The group is shown to be a metabelian group of
order 223. Th...
Direct Access for Answers to Conjunctive Queries with Aggregation
March 9, 2023
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Computer Science
Data Structures and Algorithms
We study the fine-grained complexity of conjunctive queries with grouping and
aggregation. For common aggregate functions (e.g., min, max, count, sum), such
a query can be phrased as an ordinary conjunctive query over a database
annotated w...
Dominating Set Database Selection for Visual Place Recognition
March 9, 2023
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Computer Science
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
This paper presents an approach for creating a visual place recognition (VPR)
database for localization in indoor environments from RGBD scanning sequences.
The proposed approach is formulated as a minimization problem in terms of
Higher Chow groups with finite coefficients and refined unramified
March 9, 2023
Algebraic Geometry
In this paper we show that Bloch's higher cycle class map with finite
coefficients for quasi-projective equi-dimensional schemes over a field fits
naturally in a long exact sequence involving Schreieder's refined unramified
cohomology. We a...
Exploring New Topologies for the Theory of Clones
March 9, 2023
Computer Science
Logic in Computer Science
Clones of operations of arity omega (referred to as omega-operations) have
been employed by Neumann to represent varieties of infinitary algebras defined
by operations of at most arity omega. More recently, clone algebras have been
Singularities of Lagrangian Immersions and its Applications in
Lagrangian Floer Theory
March 9, 2023
Geometric Topology
Symplectic Geometry
In this article, we study the singularities of Lagrangian immersions into
Cartesian product of surfaces. After applying a Hamiltonian isotopy in the
Weinstein tubular neighbourhood of the Lagrangian immersion, the singular
points of the Lag...
Relating homotopy equivalences to conservativity in dependendent type
theories with propositional computation
March 9, 2023
Computer Science
Logic in Computer Science
Category Theory
We prove a conservativity result for extensional type theories over
propositional ones, i.e. dependent type theories with propositional computation
rules, using insights from homotopy type theory. The argument exploits a notion
of canonical...
On the convergence of the Willmore flow with Dirichlet boundary
March 9, 2023
Analysis of PDEs
Differential Geometry
Very little is yet known regarding the Willmore flow of surfaces with
Dirichlet boundary conditions. We consider surfaces with a rotational symmetry
as initial data and prove a global existence and convergence result for
solutions of the Wi...
Coronal Line Emitters are Tidal Disruption Events in Gas-Rich
March 9, 2023
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High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena
Some galaxies show little to no sign of active galactic nucleus (AGN)
activity, yet exhibit strong coronal emission lines (CLs) relative to common
narrow emission lines. Many of these CLs have ionization potentials of ≥100 eV, thus re...