Gravitational lensing rotation of images is predicted to be negligible at
linear order in density perturbations, but can be produced by the post-Born
lens-lens coupling at second order. This rotation is somewhat enhanced for
Cosmic Microwav...
GSplit: Scaling Graph Neural Network Training on Large Graphs via
March 23, 2023
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Computer Science
Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing
Machine Learning
Graph neural networks (GNNs), an emerging class of machine learning models
for graphs, have gained popularity for their superior performance in various
graph analytical tasks. Mini-batch training is commonly used to train GNNs on
large grap...
Porous plates at incidence
March 23, 2023
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Fluid Dynamics
This paper investigates the effect of permeability on two-dimensional
rectangular plates at incidences. The flow topology is investigated for
Reynolds number (Re) values between 30 and 90, and the forces on the plate
are discussed for $Re...
The Ternary Structure of Lie Algebroid Connections
March 23, 2023
Differential Geometry
General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology
Mathematical Physics
Mathematical Physics
We examine the heap of linear connections on anchored vector bundles and Lie
algebroids. Naturally, this covers the example of affine connections on a
manifold. We present some new interpretations of classical results via this
ternary struc...
Inertial geometric quantum logic gates
March 23, 2023
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Quantum Physics
We present rapid and robust protocols for STIRAP and quantum logic gates. Our
gates are based on geometric phases acquired by instantaneous eigenstates of a
slowly accelerating inertial Hamiltonian. To begin, we establish the criteria
for i...
Energy from Ellwood invariant for solutions involving X0 variables
March 23, 2023
High Energy Physics - Theory
For some classical solutions Ψsol in Witten's bosonic string
field theory, it was proven that energy of the solution is proportional to the
Ellwood invariant Tr(VΨsol) with
High-energy neutrino deep inelastic scattering cross sections
March 23, 2023
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High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
High Energy Physics - Experiment
Nuclear Theory
We present a state-of-the-art prediction for cross sections of neutrino deep
inelastic scattering (DIS) from nucleon at high neutrino energies, Eν,
from 100 GeV to 1000 EeV (1012 GeV). Our calculations are based on the
latest CT18...
Nonmesonic Quantum Many-Body Scars in a 1D Lattice Gauge Theory
March 23, 2023
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Strongly Correlated Electrons
Quantum Physics
We investigate the meson excitations (particle-antiparticle bound states) in
quantum many-body scars of a 1D Z2 lattice gauge theory coupled to
a dynamical spin-21 chain as a matter field. By introducing a string
Generalization with data-dependent quantum geometry
March 23, 2023
Computer Science
Quantum Physics
Machine Learning
Machine Learning
Generalization is the ability of machine learning models to make accurate
predictions on new data by learning from training data. However, understanding
generalization of quantum machine learning models has been a major challenge.
Here, we ...
Cliques, Chromatic Number, and Independent Sets in the Semi-random
March 23, 2023
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Computer Science
Discrete Mathematics
The semi-random graph process is a single player game in which the player is
initially presented an empty graph on n vertices. In each round, a vertex u
is presented to the player independently and uniformly at random. The player
then a...