Agricultural Roots of Social Conflict in Southeast Asia
April 19, 2023
Quantitative Finance
General Economics
We examine whether harvest-time transitory shifts in employment and income
lead to changes in political violence and social unrest in rice-producing
croplands of Southeast Asia. Using monthly data from 2010 to 2023 on over
86,000 incidents ...
Blocked Gibbs sampler for hierarchical Dirichlet processes
April 19, 2023
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Posterior computation in hierarchical Dirichlet process (HDP) mixture models
is an active area of research in nonparametric Bayes inference of grouped data.
Existing literature almost exclusively focuses on the Chinese restaurant
franchise ...
Transformer-Based Visual Segmentation: A Survey
April 19, 2023
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Computer Science
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Visual segmentation seeks to partition images, video frames, or point clouds
into multiple segments or groups. This technique has numerous real-world
applications, such as autonomous driving, image editing, robot sensing, and
medical analys...
Rate of convergence of Thresholding Greedy Algorithms
April 19, 2023
Computer Science
Numerical Analysis
Numerical Analysis
Functional Analysis
The rate of convergence of the classical Thresholding Greedy Algorithm with
respect to bases is studied in this paper. We bound the error of approximation
by the product of both norms -- the norm of f and the A1-norm of f. We
obtain ...
DarSwin: Distortion Aware Radial Swin Transformer
April 19, 2023
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Computer Science
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Wide-angle lenses are commonly used in perception tasks requiring a large
field of view. Unfortunately, these lenses produce significant distortions,
making conventional models that ignore the distortion effects unable to adapt
to wide-angl...
Joint Modeling of Biomarker Cascades Along An Unobserved Disease
Progression with Differentiate Covariate Effects: An Application in
Alzheimer's Disease
April 19, 2023
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Alzheimer's Disease (AD) research has shifted to focus on biomarker
trajectories and their potential use in understanding the underlying AD-related
pathological process. A conceptual framework was proposed in modern AD research
that hypothe...
Power law cosmology in modified theory with thermodynamics analysis
April 19, 2023
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General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology
In this paper, we consider a cosmological model in f(R,G) gravity in a
flat space-time, where R is the Ricci scalar and G is the Gauss-Bonnet
invariant. The function f(R,G) is taken as a linear combination of R
and an ...
Weak Convergence Of Tamed Exponential Integrators for Stochastic
Differential Equations
April 19, 2023
Computer Science
Numerical Analysis
Numerical Analysis
We prove weak convergence of order one for a class of exponential based
integrators for SDEs with non-globally Lipschtiz drift. Our analysis covers
tamed versions of Geometric Brownian Motion (GBM) based methods as well as the
standard expo...
Propagation of smallness for solutions of elliptic equations in the
April 19, 2023
Analysis of PDEs
We explore quantitative propagation of smallness for solutions of
two-dimensional elliptic equations from sets of positive δ-dimensional
Hausdorff content for any δ>0. In particular, the gradients of solutions
to divergence fo...
Diophantine stability for elliptic curves on average
April 19, 2023
Number Theory
Let K be a number field and ℓ≥5 be a prime number. Mazur and Rubin
introduced the notion of \emph{diophantine stability} for a variety X/K at
a prime ℓ. We show that there is a positive density set of elliptic curves