Let p be a prime number and (p⋅) be the Legendre
symbol modulo p. The \emph{Legendre path} attached to p is the polygonal
path whose vertices are the normalized character sums $\frac{1}{\sqrt{p}}
\sum_{n\leq ...
QuantProb: Generalizing Probabilities along with Predictions for a
Pre-trained Classifier
April 25, 2023
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Computer Science
Machine Learning
Quantification of Uncertainty in predictions is a challenging problem. In the
classification settings, although deep learning based models generalize well,
class probabilities often lack reliability. Calibration errors are used to
quantify ...
On the uniform convergence of continuous semigroups
April 25, 2023
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Complex Variables
Functional Analysis
Let Ω be a region in the complex plane C and let {Φt}t≥0 be a continuous semigroup of functions on Ω; that is,
Φt:Ω→Ω is holomorphic for every t≥0, Φ0(z)=z, for
every $z\in...
Cylindrical ample divisors on Du Val del Pezzo surfaces
April 25, 2023
Algebraic Geometry
Let S be a del Pezzo surface with at worse Du Val singularities of degree
≥3. We construct an H-polar cylinder for any ample Q-divisor
H on S....
Bake off redux: a review and experimental evaluation of recent time
series classification algorithms
April 25, 2023
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Computer Science
Machine Learning
In 2017, a research paper compared 18 Time Series Classification (TSC)
algorithms on 85 datasets from the University of California, Riverside (UCR)
archive. This study, commonly referred to as a `bake off', identified that only
nine algorit...
Frequency comb generation via synchronous pumped χ(3) resonator
on thin-film lithium niobate
April 25, 2023
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Applied Physics
Resonator-based optical frequency comb generation is an enabling technology
for a myriad of applications ranging from communications to precision
spectroscopy. These frequency combs can be generated in nonlinear resonators
driven using eith...
Attraction by pairwise coherence explains the emergence of ideological
April 25, 2023
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Computer Science
Physics and Society
Social and Information Networks
Political polarization has become a growing concern in democratic societies,
as it drives tribal alignments and erodes civic deliberation among citizens.
Given its prevalence across different countries, previous research has sought
to under...
F-blowups and essential divisors for toric varieties
April 25, 2023
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Algebraic Geometry
We investigate the relation between essential divisors and F-blowups, in
particular, address the problem whether all essential divisors appear on the
e-th F-blowup for large enough e. Focusing on the case of normal affine
toric varietie...
Onboard Science Instrument Autonomy for the Detection of Microscopy
Biosignatures on the Ocean Worlds Life Surveyor
April 25, 2023
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Computer Science
Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics
Earth and Planetary Astrophysics
Artificial Intelligence
The quest to find extraterrestrial life is a critical scientific endeavor
with civilization-level implications. Icy moons in our solar system are
promising targets for exploration because their liquid oceans make them
potential habitats for...
Out-of-distribution Evidence-aware Fake News Detection via Dual
Adversarial Debiasing
April 25, 2023
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Computer Science
Computation and Language
Artificial Intelligence
Evidence-aware fake news detection aims to conduct reasoning between news and
evidence, which is retrieved based on news content, to find uniformity or
inconsistency. However, we find evidence-aware detection models suffer from
biases, i.e....