Zero-sum multisets mod p with an application to surface automorphisms
March 6, 2017
We solve a problem in enumerative combinatorics which is equivalent to
counting topological types of certain group actions on compact Riemann
surfaces. Let V2(Fp) be the two-dimensional vector space over Fp, the
field with p elemen...
Contextual Linear Bandits under Noisy Features: Towards Bayesian Oracles
March 3, 2017
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Computer Science
Artificial Intelligence
Machine Learning
Machine Learning
We study contextual linear bandit problems under feature uncertainty, where
the features are noisy and have missing entries. To address the challenges
posed by this noise, we analyze Bayesian oracles given the observed noisy
features. Our B...
Split Principles
February 22, 2017
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We introduce the split principles and show that they bear tight connections
to large cardinal properties such as inaccessibility, weak compactness,
subtlety, almost ineffability and ineffability, as well as classical
combinatorial objects s...
Axiomatic phylogenetics
February 21, 2017
Metric Geometry
Category Theory
We use the language of quivers to formulate a mathematical framework for
Global-in-time Strichartz estimates and cubic Schr\"odinger equation in
a conical singular space
February 19, 2017
Analysis of PDEs
Spectral Theory
In this paper, we study Strichartz estimates for the Schr\"odinger equation
on a metric cone X, where X=C(Y)=(0,∞)r×Y and the cross section
Y is a (n−1)-dimensional closed Riemannian manifold (Y,h). For the metric
g ...
Post-Quantum Cryptography(PQC): Generalized ElGamal Cipher over
February 12, 2017
Computer Science
Cryptography and Security
Cryptography and Security
Post-quantum cryptography (PQC) attempts to find cryptographic protocols
resistant to attacks using for instance Shor's polynomial time algorithm for
numerical field problems like integer factorization (IFP) or the discrete
logarithm (DLP)....
One-dimension quantum systems in the framework of the most general
deformation GUP form
February 12, 2017
Quantum Physics
In this paper we briefly review the most general form of GUP motivated from
nonlocal quantum mechanics discussed in detail by S. Masood, {\em et al}. We
apply the special limit of this GUP form to the one-dimension linear potential
to calcu...
Higher-genus quasimap wall-crossing via localization
February 11, 2017
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Algebraic Geometry
Mathematical Physics
Mathematical Physics
We give a new proof of Ciocan-Fontanine and Kim's wall-crossing formula
relating the virtual classes of the moduli spaces of ϵ-stable
quasimaps for different ϵ in any genus, whenever the target is a
complete intersection i...
Totally geodesic submanifolds of Teichmuller space
February 10, 2017
Dynamical Systems
Complex Variables
Geometric Topology
We show that any totally geodesic submanifold of Teichmuller space of
dimension greater than one covers a totally geodesic subvariety, and only
finitely many totally geodesic subvarieties of dimension greater than one exist
in each moduli s...
A set-theoretical approach for ABox reasoning services (Extended
February 10, 2017
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Computer Science
Logic in Computer Science
In this paper we consider the most common ABox reasoning services for the
description logic DL⟨4LQSR,×⟩(D)
(DLD4,×, for short) and prove their