We describe a general approach to deriving linear-time logics for a wide
variety of state-based, quantitative systems, by modelling the latter as
coalgebras whose type incorporates both branching and linear behaviour.
Concretely, we define ...
GuStL - An Experimental Guarded States Language
December 20, 2016
Computer Science
Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing
Programming Languages
Programming a parallel computing system that consists of several thousands or
even up to a million message passing processing units may ask for a language
that supports waiting for and sending messages over hardware channels. As
programs ar...
Monte Carlo goodness-of-fit tests for degree corrected and related
stochastic blockmodels
December 18, 2016
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Statistics Theory
Statistics Theory
We construct Bayesian and frequentist finite-sample goodness-of-fit tests for
three different variants of the stochastic blockmodel for network data. Since
all of the stochastic blockmodel variants are log-linear in form when block
Metabolic allometric scaling of unicellular organisms as a product of
selection and optimization of nutrient distribution in food chains
December 14, 2016
Quantitative Biology
Other Quantitative Biology
One of the major characteristics of living organisms is metabolic rate -
amount of energy produced per unit time. When the size of organisms increases,
the metabolic rate also increases in a certain regular way. This regularity,
whose cause...
Metabolic allometric scaling of multicellular organisms as a product of
evolutionary development and optimization of food chains
November 30, 2016
Quantitative Biology
Other Quantitative Biology
Production of energy is a foundation of life. Metabolic rate of organisms
(amount of energy produced per unit time) generally increases slower than
organisms' mass. This phenomenon, when considered across different taxa, is
called interspec...
A generalization of Marstrand's theorem and some geometric applications
November 29, 2016
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Metric Geometry
In this paper we prove using quite elementary methods, with a combinatorial
nature, two general results related to Marstrand's projection theorem in a
quite general formulation over metric spaces under a suitable transversality
condition (t...
The q−Onsager algebra and multivariable q−special functions
November 28, 2016
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Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems
Quantum Algebra
Mathematical Physics
Mathematical Physics
Two sets of mutually commuting q−difference operators xi and yj,
i,j=1,...,N such that xi and yi generate a homomorphic image of the
q−Onsager algebra for each i are introduced. The common polynomial
eigenfunctions of e...
Evolution of networks with multiple junctions
November 24, 2016
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Differential Geometry
We consider the motion by curvature of a network of curves in the plane and
we discuss existence, uniqueness, singularity formation and asymptotic behavior
of the flow....
A Network Formation Model Based on Subgraphs
November 23, 2016
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Computer Science
Physics and Society
Social and Information Networks
Physics and Society
Social and Information Networks
We develop a new class of random graph models for the statistical estimation
of network formation -- subgraph generated models (SUGMs). Various subgraphs --
e.g., links, triangles, cliques, stars -- are generated and their union results
in ...
Decomposition matrices and blocks for the symplectic blob algebra over
the complex field
November 21, 2016
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Representation Theory
The symplectic blob algebra is a physically motivated quotient of the Hecke
algebra H(C~n) with a diagram calculus. We find the blocks for the
symplectic blob algebra for all specialisations of its parameters over the
complex numb...