A Sequence Construction of Cyclic Codes over Finite Fields
November 20, 2016
Computer Science
Information Theory
Information Theory
Information Theory
Information Theory
Cyclic codes over finite fields are widely implemented in data storage
systems, communication systems, and consumer electronics, as they have very
efficient encoding and decoding algorithms. They are also important in theory,
as they are cl...
Koszul duality between Higgs and Coulomb categories O
November 20, 2016
Representation Theory
Rings and Algebras
Representation Theory
Rings and Algebras
We prove a Koszul duality theorem between the category of weight modules over
the quantized Coulomb branch (as defined by Braverman, Finkelberg and Nakajima)
attached to a group G and representation V and a category of
G-equivariant D...
Measurements of charm mixing and CP violation using D0→K±π∓ decays
November 18, 2016
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High Energy Physics - Experiment
High Energy Physics - Experiment
Measurements of charm mixing and CP violation parameters from the
decay-time-dependent ratio of D0→K+π− to D0→K−π+
decay rates and the charge-conjugate ratio are reported. The analysis uses
$\overline{B}\to D...
Validity of Chemical Equilibrium Approach in the Study of Kinetic
Freeze-out in p-Pb Collisions at LHC
November 18, 2016
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Nuclear Theory
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
Transverse momentum spectra of identified pions, Kaons , protons and Lambdas
produced at mid-rapidity (0 < ycm < 0.5) in p-Pb collisions at root(sNN) = 5.02
TeV is studied for different collision centralities by using a Unified
Statistical ...
Atoms of None of the Elements Ionize While Atoms of Inert Behavior Split
by Photonic Current
November 16, 2016
Materials Science
It is customary to refer to atoms by stating positive or negative charges
when they lose or gain electrons. However, thinking about the related
principles and phenomena of ionization has become confusing. It is also
necessary to realize tha...
Attenuation from the optical to the extreme ultraviolet by dust
associated with broad absorption line quasars: the driving force for outflows
November 11, 2016
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Astrophysics of Galaxies
Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics
We derive a mean attenuation curve out to the rest-frame extreme ultraviolet
(EUV) for 'BAL dust' - the dust causing the additional extinction of active
galactic nuclei (AGNs) with broad absorption lines (BALQSOs). In contrast to
the normal...
XCSP3: An Integrated Format for Benchmarking Combinatorial Constrained
November 10, 2016
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Computer Science
Artificial Intelligence
We propose a major revision of the format XCSP 2.1, called XCSP3, to build
integrated representations of combinatorial constrained problems. This new
format is able to deal with mono/multi optimization, many types of variables,
cost functio...
On the ranks of elliptic curves with isogenies
November 4, 2016
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Number Theory
Number Theory
In recent years, the question of whether the ranks of elliptic curves defined
over Q are unbounded has garnered much attention. One can create
refined versions of this question by restricting one's attention to elliptic
curves ov...
Structural Evolutions in Atoms of the Elements Executing Confined
Interstate Electron Dynamics
November 3, 2016
Materials Science
Differentiating structural evolution from structural development or formation
opens many avenues of research. This research particularly broadens the horizon
of chemical science. When atoms of a suitable element amalgamate undergo
A Cayley graph for F2×F2 which is not minimally almost
October 31, 2016
Group Theory
We give an example of a Cayley graph Γ for the group F2×F2 which is not minimally almost convex (MAC). On the other hand, the
standard Cayley graph for F2×F2 does satisfy the falsification by
fellow travel...