Bernstein-Sato polynomials for projective hypersurfaces with weighted
homogeneous isolated singularities
September 15, 2016
Algebraic Geometry
We present an efficient method to calculate the roots of the Bernstein-Sato
polynomial bf(s) for a defining polynomial f of a projective hypersurface
Z⊂Pn−1 of degree d having only weighted homogeneous isolated
Spirals and heteroclinic cycles in a spatially extended
Rock-Paper-Scissors model of cyclic dominance
September 14, 2016
Quantitative Biology
Pattern Formation and Solitons
Populations and Evolution
Spatially extended versions of the cyclic-dominance Rock-Paper-Scissors model
have traveling wave (in one dimension) and spiral (in two dimensions) behavior.
The far field of the spirals behave like traveling waves, which themselves have
Particle-wave dichotomy in quantum Monte Carlo: unlocking the quantum
September 12, 2016
Quantum Physics
Quantum Physics
Here, a dichotomy of particles and waves is employed in a quantum Monte Carlo
calculation of interacting electrons. Through the creation and propagation of
concurrent stochastic ensembles of walkers in physical space and in Hilbert
space on...
Thermalization and non-monotonic entanglement growth in an exactly
solvable model
September 9, 2016
High Energy Physics - Theory
We study quantum quenches and subsequent non-equilibrium dynamics of free
Dirac fermions in 1+1 spacetime dimensions using time dependent mass. The final
state is a normalized boundary state which is called generalized
Calabrese-Cardy (gCC)...
On a Question of Hamkins and L\"owe on the modal logic of collapse
September 8, 2016
Hamkins and L\"{o}we asked whether there can be a model N of set theory
with the property that N≡N[g] whenever g is a generic collapse of a
cardinal of N onto ω. We give equiconsistency results for two weaker
versions o...
A lower bound on the spectrum of unimodular networks
September 7, 2016
Computer Science
Discrete Mathematics
Unimodular networks are a generalization of finite graphs in a stochastic
sense. We prove a lower bound to the spectral radius of the adjacency operator
and of the Markov operator of an unimodular network in terms of its average
degree. Thi...
Model structures on the category of complexes of quiver representations
September 2, 2016
Representation Theory
In this paper, we study the category C(Rep(Q,A)) of
complexes of representations of quiver Q with values in an abelian
category A. We develop a method for constructing some model
structures on ...
On the initial value of PageRank
August 31, 2016
Computer Science
Physics and Society
Social and Information Networks
Google employs PageRank to rank web pages, determining the order in which
search results are presented to users based on their queries. PageRank is
primarily utilized for directed networks, although there are instances where it
is also appl...
Revisiting virtual difference ideals
August 30, 2016
The main idea of [4] was that structures built from periodic prime ideals
have better properties from the usual ones built from invariant ideals; but
unable to work with periodic ideals alone, we had to generalise further to a
somewhat ephe...
Garoufalidis-Levine's finite type invariants for
Zπ-homology equivalences from 3-manifolds to the 3-torus
August 30, 2016
Geometric Topology
Algebraic Topology
Garoufalidis and Levine defined a filtration for 3-manifolds equipped with
some degree 1 map (Zπ-homology equivalence) to a fixed 3-manifold
N and showed that there is a natural surjection from a space of