In this paper we study the problems of the following kind: For a pair of
topological spaces X and Y find sufficient conditions that under every
continuous map f:X→Y a pair of sufficiently distant points is mapped to
a single poin...
D Pi scattering and D meson resonances from lattice QCD
August 20, 2012
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High Energy Physics - Lattice
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
The masses and widths of the broad scalar D_0^*(2400) and the axial D_1(2430)
charmed-light resonances are extracted by simulating the corresponding D Pi and
D* Pi scattering on the lattice. The resonance parameters are obtained using a
Semiregularity as a consequence of Goodwillie's theorem
August 15, 2012
Algebraic Geometry
K-Theory and Homology
We realise Buchweitz and Flenner's semiregularity map (and hence a fortiori
Bloch's semiregularity map) for a smooth variety X as the tangent of a
generalised Abel--Jacobi map on the derived moduli stack of perfect complexes
on X. The t...
An index bound for smooth umbilic points
July 25, 2012
Differential Geometry
We prove that the half-integer valued local index of an isolated umbilic
point on a C3+α-smooth convex surface in Euclidean 3-space is less
than two. The approach is to study the co-kernel of an associated
Riemann-Hilbert boundary...
Yet Another Table of Integrals
July 24, 2012
Classical Analysis and ODEs
This collection of sums and integrals has been harvested from the
mathematical and physical literature in unstructured ways. Its main use is
backtracking the original sources whenever an integral of the reader's
application resembles one of...
The Supernova of 1054AD, the Armenian chronicle of Hetum, and Cronaca
July 16, 2012
History and Philosophy of Physics
Solar and Stellar Astrophysics
The rareness of nearby supernovae ensures particular value to the historic
records for determination of their light curves. We provide the translation of
13th century Armenian chronicle of Hetum, which by its unexpected association
to Crona...
Meyers inequality and strong stability for stable-like operators
July 11, 2012
Functional Analysis
Let α∈(0,2), let E(u,u)=∫Rd∫Rd(u(y)−u(x))2∣x−y∣d+αA(x,y)dydx be the Dirichlet form
for a stable-like operator, let $$\Gamma u(x)=\int_{\Bbb R^d}
Control of Probability Flow in Markov Chain Monte Carlo --
Nonreversibility and Lifting
July 1, 2012
Computer Science
Statistical Mechanics
Numerical Analysis
Mathematical Physics
Mathematical Physics
Numerical Analysis
Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability
The Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method is widely used in various fields
as a powerful numerical integration technique for systems with many degrees of
freedom. In MCMC methods, probabilistic state transitions can be considered as
a rand...
Factorization homology of topological manifolds
June 24, 2012
Algebraic Topology
Geometric Topology
Quantum Algebra
Factorization homology theories of topological manifolds, after Beilinson,
Drinfeld and Lurie, are homology-type theories for topological n-manifolds
whose coefficient systems are n-disk algebras or n-disk stacks. In this
work we prov...
Perfect taxon sampling and fixing taxon traceability: Introducing a
class of phylogenetically decisive taxon sets
June 15, 2012
Quantitative Biology
Populations and Evolution
Phylogenetically decisive sets of taxon sets have the property that if trees
are chosen for each of their elements, as long as these trees are compatible,
the resulting supertree is unique. This means that as long as the trees
describing th...