Performance of the stochastic MV-PURE estimator in highly noisy settings
March 20, 2013
Statistics Theory
Statistics Theory
The stochastic minimum-variance pseudo-unbiased reduced-rank estimator
(stochastic MV-PURE estimator) has been developed to provide linear estimation
with robustness against high noise levels, imperfections in model knowledge,
and ill-condi...
Encyclopaedia Inflationaris
March 15, 2013
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Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics
General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
High Energy Physics - Theory
Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics
General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
High Energy Physics - Theory
The current flow of high accuracy astrophysical data, among which are the
Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) measurements by the Planck satellite, offers
an unprecedented opportunity to constrain the inflationary theory. This is
however a ch...
A Class of Incomplete Character Sums
March 14, 2013
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Algebraic Geometry
Number Theory
Algebraic Geometry
Number Theory
Using ℓ-adic cohomology of tensor inductions of lisse Qℓ-sheaves, we study a class of incomplete character sums....
Extended Fourier analysis of signals
March 8, 2013
Computer Science
Data Structures and Algorithms
Information Theory
Numerical Analysis
Information Theory
This summary of the doctoral thesis is created to emphasize the close
connection of the proposed spectral analysis method with the Discrete Fourier
Transform (DFT), the most extensively studied and frequently used approach in
the history of...
The proper geometric dimension of the mapping class group
February 18, 2013
Geometric Topology
Group Theory
We show that the mapping class group of a closed surface admits a cocompact
classifying space for proper actions of dimension equal to its virtual
cohomological dimension....
A Condition in Mean Curvature Prescriptions for Conformal Metrics on the
January 5, 2013
Differential Geometry
This paper considers the prescribed zero scalar curvature and mean curvature
problem on the n-dimensional Euclidean ball for n≥3. Given a
rotationally symmetric function H:∂Bn→R, in this work,
we will prove th...
A paradox on the spectral representation of stationary random processes
December 27, 2012
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Other Statistics
Other Statistics
In this note our aim is to show a paradox in the spectral representation of
stationary random processes....
A note on strong edge-colorings of 2-degenerate graphs
December 25, 2012
We show that every 2-degenerate graph with maximum degree Δ has a
strong edge-coloring with at most 8Δ−4 colors....
Modeling and performance evaluation of computer systems security
December 20, 2012
Computer Science
Cryptography and Security
Systems and Control
Optimization and Control
A model of computer system security operation is developed based on the
fork-join queueing network formalism. We introduce a security operation
performance measure, and show how it may be used to performance evaluation of
actual systems....
Probability Bracket Notation: Markov Sequence Projector of Visible and
Hidden Markov Models in Dynamic Bayesian Networks
December 16, 2012
Computer Science
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence
With the symbolic framework of Probability Bracket Notation (PBN), the Markov
Sequence Projector (MSP) is introduced to expand the evolution formula of
Homogeneous Markov Chains (HMCs). The well-known weather example, a Visible
Markov Model...