In the ℓ-Component Order Connectivity problem (ℓ∈N),
we are given a graph G on n vertices, m edges and a non-negative integer
k and asks whether there exists a set of vertices S⊆V(G) such that
Schertz style class invariants for higher degree CM fields
October 14, 2016
Number Theory
Special values of Siegel modular functions for Sp(Z) generate class fields of CM fields. They also yield abelian
varieties with a known endomorphism ring. Smaller alternative values of modular
functions that lie i...
Additive Combinatorics Using Equivariant Cohomology
October 8, 2016
Algebraic Geometry
Algebraic Topology
We introduce a geometric method to study additive combinatorial problems.
Using equivariant cohomology we reprove the Dias da Silva-Hamidoune theorem. We
improve a result of Sun on the linear extension of the Erd\H{o}s-Heilbronn
Existence and applications of Ricci flows via pseudolocality
October 6, 2016
Differential Geometry
We prove the short-time existence of Ricci flows on complete manifolds with
scalar curvature bounded below uniformly, Ricci curvature bounded below by a
negative quadratic function, and with almost Euclidean isoperimetric inequality
holds l...
O(m9) network flow LP model of the Assignment Problem polytope with
applications to hard combinatorial optimization problems
October 2, 2016
Computer Science
Data Structures and Algorithms
Computational Complexity
Discrete Mathematics
Optimization and Control
In this paper, we present a new, network flow LP model of the standard
Assignment Problem (AP) polytope. The model is not meant to be competitive with
existing standard procedures for solving the AP, as its complexity order of
size is $O(m^...
The Pointillist principle for variation operators and jump functions
October 2, 2016
Classical Analysis and ODEs
We extend the pointillist principles of Moon and Carrillo--de Guzm\'an to
variational operators and jump functions....
Deep Feature Consistent Variational Autoencoder
October 2, 2016
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Computer Science
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
We present a novel method for constructing Variational Autoencoder (VAE).
Instead of using pixel-by-pixel loss, we enforce deep feature consistency
between the input and the output of a VAE, which ensures the VAE's output to
preserve the sp...
Generalized superelliptic Riemann surfaces
September 29, 2016
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Algebraic Geometry
A closed Riemann surface X, of genus g≥2, is called a
generalized superelliptic curve of level n≥2 if it admits an order n
conformal automorphism τ so that X/⟨τ⟩ has
genus zero and...
Low-complexity Image and Video Coding Based on an Approximate Discrete
Tchebichef Transform
September 24, 2016
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Computer Science
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Data Structures and Algorithms
The usage of linear transformations has great relevance for data
decorrelation applications, like image and video compression. In that sense,
the discrete Tchebichef transform (DTT) possesses useful coding and
decorrelation properties. The ...
Compressed Hypothesis Testing: To Mix or Not to Mix?
September 23, 2016
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Computer Science
Information Theory
Information Theory
In this paper, we study the problem of determining k anomalous random
variables that have different probability distributions from the rest (n−k)
random variables. Instead of sampling each individual random variable
separately as in the...