High energy power-law tail in X-ray binaries spectrum and bulk
Comptonization due to a conical outflow from a disk
August 15, 2017
High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena
X-ray binaries (XRBs) often exhibit a high energy power-law tail (HEP-tail)
and these tails can be generated by bulk Comptonization (BMC) process with a
free-fall bulk region onto the compact object. The radio emission (which is
generated b...
Effect of strength of gravitational field on the rate of chemical
August 14, 2017
Chemical Physics
The magnitude of the rate of chemical reactions also depends on the position
in the gravitational field, where a chemical reaction is being carried out. At
weaker gravitational field rate of reaction is greater than the rate of
reaction at ...
Two loop QCD corrections for the process Pseudo-scalar Higgs
→3 partons
August 8, 2017
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High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
High Energy Physics - Experiment
We present virtual contributions up to two loop level in perturbative Quantum
Chromodynamic (QCD) to the decay of pseudo-scalar Higgs boson (A) to three
gluons (g) and also to quark (q), anti-quark (q) and a gluon.
With ap...
All Zeros of the Riemann Zeta Function in the Critical Strip are Located
on the Critical Line and are Simple
August 3, 2017
General Mathematics
In this paper we study the function G(z):=∫0∞yz−1(1+exp(y))−1dy\,, for z∈C\,. We derive a functional equation that relates
G(z) and G(1−z) for all z∈C\,, and we prove:
Solutions of the Sinh-Gordon Equation of Spectral Genus Two and
constrained Willmore Tori I
August 2, 2017
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Differential Geometry
Differential Geometry
We investigate solutions of the elliptic sinh-Gordon equation of spectral
genus g<3. These solutions are parametrized by complex matrix-valued
polynomials called potentials. On the space of these potentials there act two
commuting flows. Th...
Quantisation of derived Poisson structures
August 1, 2017
Algebraic Geometry
Quantum Algebra
Algebraic Geometry
Quantum Algebra
We prove that every 0-shifted Poisson structure on a derived Artin
n-stack admits a curved A∞ deformation quantisation whenever the
stack has perfect cotangent complex; in particular, this applies to LCI
schemes, where it give...
The duality structure gradient descent algorithm: analysis and
applications to neural networks
August 1, 2017
Computer Science
Machine Learning
Optimization and Control
The training of machine learning models is typically carried out using some
form of gradient descent, often with great success. However, non-asymptotic
analyses of first-order optimization algorithms typically employ a gradient
smoothness a...
Wireless Multihop Quantum Teleportation Utilizing a 4-Qubit Cluster
July 31, 2017
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Computer Science
Quantum Physics
Information Theory
Information Theory
This paper proposes a quantum routing protocol using multihop teleportation
for wireless mesh backbone networks. After analyzing the quantum multihop
protocol, a four-qubit cluster state is selected as the quantum channel for the
protocol. ...
Formal Embeddings between BSD-Models
July 31, 2017
Complex Variables
It is studied the Classification Problem for Formal (Holomorphic) Embeddings
between Shilov Boundaries of Bounded Symmetric Domains of First Type....
Metric minimizing surfaces revisited
July 30, 2017
Differential Geometry
Metric Geometry
A surface which does not admit a length nonincreasing deformation is called
metric minimizing. We show that metric minimizing surfaces in CAT(0) spaces are
locally CAT(0) with respect to their intrinsic metric....