Lie Transformation Groups -- An Introduction to Symmetry Group Analysis
of Differential Equations
June 23, 2015
Differential Geometry
Differential Geometry
These are lecture notes of a course on symmetry group analysis of
differential equations, based mainly on P. J. Olver's book 'Applications of Lie
Groups to Differential Equations'. The course starts out with an introduction
to the theory of...
Recovering p-adic valuations from pro-p Galois groups
June 19, 2015
Number Theory
Let K be a field with GK(2)≃GQ(2), where GF(2)
denotes the maximal pro-2 quotient of the absolute Galois group of a field F.
We prove that then K admits a (non-trivial) valuation v which is
2-henselian and h...
An introduction to Galton-Watson trees and their local limits
June 18, 2015
The aim of this lecture is to give an overview of old and new resultson
Bienaym\'e-Galton-Watson (BGW) trees. After introducing the framework of
discretetrees, we first give alternative proofs of classical results on
theextinction probabili...
Open questions about Ramsey-type statements in reverse mathematics
June 15, 2015
Ramsey's theorem states that for any coloring of the n-element subsets of N
with finitely many colors, there is an infinite set H such that all n-element
subsets of H have the same color. The strength of consequences of Ramsey's
theorem has...
Bounded morphisms
June 12, 2015
Commutative Algebra
Commutative Algebra
A bounded automorphism of a field or a group with trivial approximate centre
is definable. In an expansion of a field by a Pfaffian family F of additive
endomorphisms such that algebraic closure in the expansion coincides with
relative fiel...
Superiorization and Perturbation Resilience of Algorithms: A
Continuously Updated Bibliography
June 12, 2015
Optimization and Control
This document presents a (mostly) chronologically-ordered bibliography of
scientific publications on the superiorization methodology and perturbation
resilience of algorithms which is compiled and continuously updated by us at:
On the first Hardy-Littlewood conjecture and the Bateman-Horn conjecture
June 2, 2015
Number Theory
Number Theory
The paper studies a new approach to estimating the distribution of prime
tuples. This approach uses analytical sieve methods and the Chinese remainder
theorem. It is proved that the expected number of prime tuples, not exceeding
some natura...
Integrable discretization of the vector/matrix nonlinear Schr\"odinger
equation and the associated Yang-Baxter map
May 29, 2015
Pattern Formation and Solitons
Mathematical Physics
Mathematical Physics
Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems
The action of a B\"acklund-Darboux transformation on a spectral problem
associated with a known integrable system can define a new discrete spectral
problem. In this paper, we interpret a slightly generalized version of the
binary B\"acklun...
Asymmetric factorization method on supersymmetry: Complex operators
May 19, 2015
Quantum Physics
We propose asymmetric factorization method for supersymmetry involving
complex operators.Model Hamiltonians satisfy supersymmetric energy conditions
En(+)=En+1(−); E0(−)=0....
An asymptotic shape theorem for random linear growth models
May 19, 2015
In this paper, we define a class of random growth models whose growth is at
least and at most linear and prove an asymptotic shape theorem for these
models. This proof generalizes already known proofs for the classical contact
process or so...