Identification and Estimation of Multidimensional Screening
November 23, 2014
Quantitative Finance
We study the identification and estimation of a multidimensional screening
model, where a monopolist sells a product with multiple qualities to consumers
with private information about their multidimensional preferences. Under
optimal scree...
Tropical enumeration of curves in blowups of the projective plane
November 20, 2014
Symplectic Geometry
Algebraic Geometry
Differential Geometry
Symplectic Geometry
Algebraic Geometry
Differential Geometry
We describe a method for recursively calculating Gromov-Witten invariants of
all blowups of the projective plane. This recursive formula is different from
the recursive formulas due to G\"ottsche and Pandharipande in the zero genus
case, an...
On n-dependence
November 1, 2014
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In this note we develop and clarify some of the basic combinatorial
properties of the new notion of n-dependence (for 1≤n<ω)
recently introduced by Shelah. In the same way as dependence of a theory means
its inability to enco...
Building a Balanced k-d Tree in O(kn log n) Time
October 20, 2014
Computer Science
Data Structures and Algorithms
The original description of the k-d tree recognized that rebalancing
techniques, such as are used to build an AVL tree or a red-black tree, are not
applicable to a k-d tree. Hence, in order to build a balanced k-d tree, it is
necessary to f...
Plane Symmetric, Cylindrically Symmetric and Spherically Symmetric
Vacuum Solutions of Einstein Field Equations
October 19, 2014
General Physics
In this paper we present Plane symmetric, Cylindrically Symmetric and
Spherically Symmetric Black hole or Vacuum solutions of Einstein Field
Equations(EFEs). Some of these solutions are new which we have not seen in the
literature. This cal...
Representation growth of maximal class groups: various exceptional cases
October 18, 2014
Group Theory
Group Theory
This paper is a sequel to "Representation growth of maximal class groups:
non-exceptional primes". We use a constructive method to calculate some
exceptional cases of p-local representation zeta functions of a family of
finitely generated...
Positivity properties of relative complete intersections
October 11, 2014
Algebraic Geometry
We give conditions for f-positivity of relative complete intersections in
projective bundles. We also derive an instability result for the fibres....
The Instability of a Quantum Superposition of Time Dilations
October 8, 2014
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Quantum Physics
Quantum Physics
Using the relativistic concept of time dilation we show that a superposition
of gravitational potentials can lead to nonunitary time evolution. For
sufficiently weak gravitational potentials one can still define, for all
intents and purpose...
EnKF-C user guide
October 5, 2014
Computer Science
Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science
Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science
EnKF-C provides a compact generic framework for off-line data assimilation
into large-scale layered geophysical models with the ensemble Kalman filter
(EnKF). It is coded in C for GNU/Linux platform and can work either in EnKF,
ensemble opt...
(Weak) m-extremals and m-geodesics
September 26, 2014
Complex Variables
We present a collection of results on (weak) m-extremals and m-geodesics,
concerning general properties, the planar case, quasi-balanced pseudoconvex
domains, complex ellipsoids, the Euclidean ball and boundary properties. We
prove 3-...