Scholars of the history and philosophy of science have asked what would
decolonized science would look like. This paper develops an answer by
interrogating the assumption that observations need to be recorded and
communicated using the lang...
Matrix recursion for positive characteristic diagrammatic Soergel
bimodules for affine Weyl groups
August 23, 2017
Representation Theory
Representation Theory
Let W be an affine Weyl group, and let k be a field of characteristic
p>0. The diagrammatic Hecke category D for W over k is a
categorification of the Hecke algebra for W with rich connections to modular
Promotion through Connections: Favors or Information?
August 23, 2017
Quantitative Finance
Connections appear to be helpful in many contexts, such as obtaining a job, a
promotion, a grant, a loan, or publishing a paper. This may be due either to
favoritism or to information conveyed by connections. Attempts at identifying
both ef...
Studies on the Pea Pattern Sequence
August 21, 2017
History and Overview
In this paper we formally define the family of sequences know as "Pea
Pattern". We then analyse its behaviour and conditions for fixed and periodic
points. The paper ends with a list of fixed points and cycles....
Gyrokinetic Field Theory as a Gauge Transform or: gyrokinetic theory
without Lie transforms
August 21, 2017
Plasma Physics
Gyrokinetic theory is a basis for treating magnetised plasma dynamics slower
than particle gyrofrequencies where the scale of the background is larger than
relevant gyroradii. The energy of field perturbations can be comparable to the
Conditions for representation of a function of many arguments as the
difference of convex functions
August 19, 2017
Optimization and Control
There are given conditions for represention of a function of many arguments
as the difference of convex functions....
Design, Configuration, Implementation, and Performance of a Simple 32
Core Raspberry Pi Cluster
August 17, 2017
Computer Science
Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing
In this report, I describe the design and implementation of an inexpensive,
eight node, 32 core, cluster of raspberry pi single board computers, as well as
the performance of this cluster on two computational tasks, one that requires
Bayesian Network Regularized Regression for Modeling Urban Crime
August 16, 2017
Analyses of occurrences of residential burglary in urban areas have shown
that crime rates are not spatially homogeneous: rates vary across the network
of city streets, resulting in some areas being far more susceptible to crime
than others...
High energy power-law tail in X-ray binaries spectrum and bulk
Comptonization due to a conical outflow from a disk
August 15, 2017
High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena
X-ray binaries (XRBs) often exhibit a high energy power-law tail (HEP-tail)
and these tails can be generated by bulk Comptonization (BMC) process with a
free-fall bulk region onto the compact object. The radio emission (which is
generated b...
Effect of strength of gravitational field on the rate of chemical
August 14, 2017
Chemical Physics
The magnitude of the rate of chemical reactions also depends on the position
in the gravitational field, where a chemical reaction is being carried out. At
weaker gravitational field rate of reaction is greater than the rate of
reaction at ...