Spatio-temporal methods for estimating subsurface ocean thermal response
to tropical cyclones
December 30, 2020
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Tropical cyclones (TCs), driven by heat exchange between the air and sea,
pose a substantial risk to many communities around the world. Accurate
characterization of the subsurface ocean thermal response to TC passage is
crucial for accurate...
Exact Moment Representation in Polynomial Optimization
December 29, 2020
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Commutative Algebra
Algebraic Geometry
Optimization and Control
Commutative Algebra
Algebraic Geometry
Optimization and Control
We investigate the problem of representing moment sequences by measures in
the context ofPolynomial Optimization Problems, that consist in finding the
infimum of a real polynomial ona real semialgebraic set defined by polynomial
On the Weyl problem for complete surfaces in the hyperbolic and anti-de
Sitter spaces
December 29, 2020
Differential Geometry
Geometric Topology
The classical Weyl problem (solved by Lewy, Alexandrov, Pogorelov, and
others) asks whether any metric of curvature K≥0 on the sphere is induced
on the boundary of a unique convex body in R3. The answer was extended to
surfaces in...
Enumeration of rational contact curves via torus actions
December 29, 2020
Algebraic Geometry
We prove that some Gromov-Witten numbers associated to rational contact
(Legendrian) curves in any contact complex projective space with arbitrary
incidence conditions are enumerative. Also, we use Bott formula on the
Kontsevich space to fi...
Topological recursion for Kadomtsev-Petviashvili tau functions of
hypergeometric type
December 29, 2020
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Mathematical Physics
High Energy Physics - Theory
Algebraic Geometry
Mathematical Physics
We study the n-point differentials corresponding to Kadomtsev-Petviashvili
tau functions of hypergeometric type (also known as Orlov-Scherbin partition
functions), with an emphasis on their ℏ2-deformations and expansions.
Under the...
Privacy-Constrained Policies via Mutual Information Regularized Policy
December 29, 2020
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Computer Science
Machine Learning
Cryptography and Security
As reinforcement learning techniques are increasingly applied to real-world
decision problems, attention has turned to how these algorithms use potentially
sensitive information. We consider the task of training a policy that maximizes
Approximation techniques have been historically important for solving
differential equations, both as initial value problems and boundary value
problems. The integration of numerical, analytic and perturbation methods and
techniques can hel...
Finer-Focused Partial Wave Spectroscopy (ff-PWS) and Detection of Cancer
Stages From Human Tissue Samples
December 28, 2020
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Medical Physics
Biological Physics
Medical Physics
Biological Physics
The progression of cancer is associated with different genetic and epigenetic
events which result in nano to microscale structural alterations in
cells/tissue. However, these structural alterations in the early stage of the
disease remain u...
Non-statistical behavior via Statistical instability: Non-statistical
Anosov-Katok diffeomorphisms
December 28, 2020
Dynamical Systems
Dynamical Systems
\textit{Non-statistical dynamics} are those for which a set of points with
positive measure (w.r.t. a reference probability measure which is in most
examples the Lebesgue on a manifold) do not have a convergent sequence of
empirical measure...
L^p Boundedness of the Scattering Wave Operators of Schroedinger
Dynamics with Time-dependent Potentials and applications
December 28, 2020
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Analysis of PDEs
Analysis of PDEs
This paper establishes the Lp boundedness of wave operators for linear
Schr\"odinger equations in R3 with time-dependent potentials. The
approach to the proof is based on new cancellation lemmas. As a typical
application base...