We prove that no infinite field is interpretable in the first-order theory of
nonabelian free groups. We also obtain a characterization of Abelian groups
interpretable in this theory....
On Shake Slice Knots
December 28, 2020
Geometric Topology
Algebraic Topology
Here we discuss r−shake slice knots, and their relation to corks, we then
prove that 0-shake slice knots are slice....
Amalgamation in classes of involutive commutative residuated lattices
December 28, 2020
Amalgamation is investigated in classes of non-divisible, non-in\-teg\-ral,
and non-idempotent involutive commutative residuated lattices. We demonstrate
that several subclasses of totally-ordered, involutive, commutative residuated
Drinfeld-Lau Descent over Fibered Categories
December 27, 2020
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Algebraic Geometry
Algebraic Topology
Category Theory
Number Theory
Let X be a category fibered in groupoids over a finite field
Fq, and let k be an algebraically closed field containing
Fq. Denote by ϕk:Xk→Xk the
arithmetic Frobe...
Broadband Dark Matter Axion Detection using a Cylindrical Capacitor
December 27, 2020
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High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics
High Energy Physics - Experiment
Cosmological axions/axion-like particles can compose a significant part of
dark matter; however, the uncertainty of their mass is large. Here, we propose
to search the axions using a cylindrical capacitor, in which the static
electric field...
Reconstructing the orbit type stratification of a torus action from its
equivariant cohomology
December 27, 2020
Algebraic Topology
We investigate what information on the orbit type stratification of a torus
action on a compact space is contained in its rational equivariant cohomology
algebra. Regarding the (labelled) poset structure of the stratification we show
that e...
Generalization of Hamiltonian Mechanics to a Three Dimensional Phase
December 26, 2020
Mathematical Physics
Mathematical Physics
Classical Hamiltonian mechanics is realized by the action of a Poisson
bracket on a Hamiltonian function. The Hamiltonian function is a constant of
motion (the energy) of the system. The properties of the Poisson bracket are
encapsulated in...
Correlation between the curvature and some properties of the neutron
December 25, 2020
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High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena
General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology
Nuclear Theory
High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena
General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology
Nuclear Theory
According to the general theory of relativity, a massive body induces
curvature in the surrounding spacetime. In this study, the surface curvature
(SC) of neutron stars is computed using various curvature quantities derived
from the relativ...
Zero divisors with small supports in group algebras of torsion-free
groups over a field
December 25, 2020
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Group Theory
Group Theory
For any field F and all torison-free group G, we prove
that if ab=0 for some non-zero a,b∈F[G] such that
∣supp(a)∣=3 and a=1+α1g1+α2g2, then $g_{1},
A New Perspective to Node Influence Evaluation in Complex Network Using
Subgraph Tr-Centrality
December 25, 2020
Computer Science
Social and Information Networks
There is great significance in evaluating a node's Influence ranking in
complex networks. Over the years, many researchers have presented different
measures for quantifying node interconnectedness within networks. Therefore,
this paper intr...