Asymptotic boundary KZB operators and quantum Calogero-Moser spin chains
December 24, 2020
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Representation Theory
Mathematical Physics
Mathematical Physics
Representation Theory
Mathematical Physics
Mathematical Physics
Asymptotic boundary KZB equations describe the consistency conditions of
degenerations of correlation functions for boundary Wess-Zumino-Witten-Novikov
conformal field theory on a cylinder. In the first part of the paper we define
FracTrain: Fractionally Squeezing Bit Savings Both Temporally and
Spatially for Efficient DNN Training
December 24, 2020
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Computer Science
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Recent breakthroughs in deep neural networks (DNNs) have fueled a tremendous
demand for intelligent edge devices featuring on-site learning, while the
practical realization of such systems remains a challenge due to the limited
resources av...
Handling SQL Nulls with Two-Valued Logic
December 24, 2020
Computer Science
The design of SQL is based on a three-valued logic (3VL), rather than the
familiar Boolean logic. 3VL adds a truth value unknown to true and false to
handle nulls. Viewed as indispensable for SQL expressiveness, it is at the same
time much ...
Symmetric and K\"ahler--Einstein Fano polygons
December 24, 2020
Algebraic Geometry
We investigate singular symmetric and K\"ahler--Einstein Fano polytopes. In
particular we study the automorphism groups of symmetric and K\"ahler--Einstein
Fano polygons in detail....
Properties of Ultralight Bosons from Spins of Heavy Quasars via
December 23, 2020
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High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics
High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena
General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology
High Energy Physics - Theory
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics
High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena
General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology
High Energy Physics - Theory
The mass and the spin of accreting and jetted black holes, at the center of
Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs), can be probed by analyzing their electromagnetic
spectra. For this purpose, we use the Spin-Modified Fundamental Plane of black
hole ...
Auto-Agent-Distiller: Towards Efficient Deep Reinforcement Learning
Agents via Neural Architecture Search
December 23, 2020
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Computer Science
Machine Learning
Machine Learning
AlphaGo's astonishing performance has ignited an explosive interest in
developing deep reinforcement learning (DRL) for numerous real-world
applications, such as intelligent robotics. However, the often prohibitive
complexity of DRL stands ...
Classical and new plumbed homology spheres bounding contractible
manifolds and homology balls
December 23, 2020
Geometric Topology
Geometric Topology
A central problem in low-dimensional topology asks which homology 3-spheres
bound contractible 4-manifolds or homology 4-balls. In this paper, we
address this question for plumbed 3-manifolds and we present two new infinite
Methods to integrate multinormals and compute classification measures
December 23, 2020
Computer Science
Machine Learning
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Machine Learning
Univariate and multivariate normal probability distributions are widely used
when modeling decisions under uncertainty. Computing the performance of such
models requires integrating these distributions over specific domains, which
can vary ...
An ideal proof for Fujisawa's result and its generalization
December 23, 2020
Algebraic Geometry
We give a generalization of Fujisawa's theorem in [F]. Our proof of the
generalized theorem is purely algebraic and it is simpler than his proof....
Hirsch weight-filtered crystalline complex and Hirsch weight-filtered
crystalline dga of a proper SNCL scheme
December 23, 2020
Algebraic Geometry
We construct a theory of the derived PD-Hirsch extension of the log
crystalline complex of a log smooth scheme and we construct a fundamental
filtered dga (Hzar,TW,P) and a fundamental filtered complex
(Hzar,P) for...